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"I literally see someone hiding here..."

In the dusty old corridor, several elves and humans were holding torches in their hands, and they were constantly observing the situation around them.

The summoner in the team insisted that he was in front of the stairs on the third floor and saw a ghost in the depths of the corridor.

One of the paladins said, "Hey, you called us to the haunted house, and you got scared first?"

"Where am I afraid, I just want you to go and see it together, in case that person is the treasure owner!" The Summoner retorted.

The place where they are now is one of the top ten famous haunted places in the game, the old Charles mansion known as the "ghost mansion". This house has been abandoned for a long time, and the appearance is gloomy, and the inside is as rotten as a rotten apple.

In order to satisfy the players' stimulating senses, such places claiming to be haunted are often varied and unpredictable, with players often standing in and screaming out. But there are still people trying to challenge entry, just like their squad.

Because there have been players who cleared the customs here and obtained rare equipment with high rarity in the game. The latecomers follow one after another, but very few can crack the secrets of the haunted house and leave here with treasures, which is a very difficult hidden task.

Torches slowly illuminate the hallway.

The paladin ordered: "Open the door from the outside and check one by one."

There are more than a dozen closed wooden doors on both sides of this corridor, and even if there are five of them, it will take a lot of time.

Doors were opened one by one, and sometimes they were locked, and they had to be opened by the summoner with tiny plant-based vines.

After spending a lot of time, the Paladin was a little impatient, and often kicked the door open with one kick, and the sound echoed in the corridor.

"If you want me to say, there is nothing scary here at all, it's all to scare yourself." The further he went, the Paladin was a little disdainful, "It's just a game, how scary can the ghosts in it be?"

The five-person team slowly walked to the last few rooms at the end.

In front of one of the locked doors, the summoner spent more time unlocking, and it still hadn't been opened for a long time, causing complaints from the Paladins. The pharmacist on the team said, "Don't talk about that, I don't think something is right this time."

"I came with a friend once before, and we encountered various situations from the first floor. It was really scary..." The pharmacist began to tell everyone about his last experience.

The horror in the game can be very exaggerated. It is not just ghosts with transparent bodies or **** eyes and intentionally scary ghosts, but more constantly changing details, the double rendering of the environment and atmosphere, and even later, you will even feel listening to your ears. When I heard the voice of sorrow, I began to have hallucinations. What everyone saw was different, and it was the deepest fear in their hearts.

And at this moment, it will often give you the final blow, making you go offline directly after a complete collapse, and a few people still have reason to leave here.

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