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Under Judy's teasing gaze, the two went to exchange the real egg together, and then went to the deep sea area to let the black egg receive enough dark attributes to hatch. Thanks to the underwater bubble given by Grandma Wu, when they reach the place and start to dive, they can breathe safely and unhindered as long as they stay in their respective bubbles.

The further downstream, the more strange creatures in the sea, it seems that because no one can see them here, they grow at will. Many monsters in the deep sea can be seen at night. Nightmare level.

When you really dive to a certain depth and the world around you seems to be immersed in absolute silence, the only light source left here is the bubbles where the two of them are, and at this time the black egg finally has a little light. After a little reaction, he began to absorb the elements from the outside world.

The bottom of the sea is also extremely cold, and even being in a bubble is not very helpful in this regard, especially the endless darkness that seems to always trigger people's fantasies about negative emotions such as fear and loneliness. Yu Yuan had no choice but to sigh that it was fortunate that two people came. If one person stayed underwater all the time, he would be somewhat unable to adapt.

There was nothing else to do during the long wait, just chat.

"Kalai, what if this black egg is not a dragon?" Yu Yuan finally asked the question he had been curious about for a long time.

"It doesn't matter, you can go to the witch when the time comes."

"Speaking of which, why did Wu give you such a task? Can the masters of the dragon clan inherit in this way?"

"...Why do you have so many questions today."

"I'm so curious," Yu Yuan swam around him like a nimble fish, "I see, it must be Wu who thinks you have a bad temper, and by the way, I want to use this method to try you out. your patience."

Carle was speechless, "Just be happy."

In order to give the black eggs enough time to absorb the elements, the two of them stayed on the seabed for a long time. During this period, Kalai has been exuding the coercion of the dragon aura, which is enough to drive away many monsters with little eyes. However, some powerful monsters can't stand it and rush up when they smell the smell of humans and cubs.

As a result, the division of labor between the two of them was completely clarified. Kalai was responsible for driving away sharks, sea monsters, etc. with his bare hands, while Yu Yuan protected the egg and kept using fire magic to ensure that the temperature would not be too low.

"It's really a harmonious family relationship," Lin Ling said. "Tsk, if you leave in the future, will your cubs feel that their parents divorced and all their little ones were sentenced to their fathers?"

"Shut up, the prerequisite for divorce is marriage! The two of us can be considered a temporary partner at most!"

"Understood, let's live together, let me tell you aloud, this side of the North is different from other regions, and registration of marriage does not distinguish between genders. After all, even monsters and humans can intermarry here, and both husband and wife are hermaphrodites like sea rabbits. , true love does not distinguish between race and gender~”

"Go away, I don't need this kind of information!" Yu Yuan became angry.

Kalai has already aggressively chased away many waves of monsters that he thinks have some strength, and to the extent of these guys, he is not a skilled hand, and he can solve it without any effort. On Yu Yuan's side, although he knew that he was a mage with certain strength after all, but... some actions were purely subconscious.

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