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At this moment, Yu Yuan didn't have time to react.

He was only a few steps away from the prince, and the drops of water dripping from the hem of the other's clothes and the tips of his hair were clearly visible.

But unexpectedly, the prince seemed to.... didn't see him.

I saw those dark red eyes roaming around, skipping Winnie, who was saluting, and falling on Lambert. Then, after glancing back, several young vampires in the corridor silently retreated.

Du Du did not look at Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan instantly understood that Lambert's spell just now made him invisible. He doesn't have this ability as an elemental mage himself, but Lambert can.

"Lambert, where are the people." The prince's tone was calm.

Neither of them had any plans to deal with it, and went straight to the topic.

Lambert adjusted his glasses, "I said, I'm still looking."

"You're still looking? A joke." The prince almost gritted his teeth at this moment, "He disappeared in Full Moon City—it's just you who did it."

Full Moon City has been connected to Jungle City, all of which belong to Lambert. The day Yu Yuan proposed to go to Full Moon City, Smollett hadn't thought about it, but now that he thought about it, it might not be because Lambert did something behind his back.

The invisible man wanted to find a chance to leave, but one of the two doors was closed, and the other was blocked by the prince, so he could only shrink in the corner first.

He tried to ask Winnie for help, and let the other party open the door and take him out, but Winnie was also in a state of blindness that she couldn't see anyone, and she still hasn't left, waiting for Lambert's next instructions, and wants to help Yu Yuan a handful.

But Lambert obviously had other ideas, and waved his hand for Winnie to go down first.

There were only two vampires left in the huge room—or three.

"He left by himself." Lambert sat calmly. "Speaking of this, Smollett, should you reflect again, did your 'bad behavior' cause this result?"

The matter of his use of the medicine to assist the transformation of the blood race to Yu Yuan has not yet passed.

"Ha, even if I was in a hurry, I didn't do it well." Smollett couldn't hide the anger in his eyes. "Then what's the matter with you? After the cooperation is completed, you will find an opportunity to take it all for yourself?"

"It's always the face and the back, Lambert - does he know you're so hypocritical?"

The person referred to by the word "he" was crouching in the corner by the fireplace, pretending to be a transparent mushroom.

The slightly curly black hair is indeed a bit like a mushroom top, and there is a small swirl on the top of the head.

"Give you some well-intentioned advice."

Lambert's tone was unwavering, and he walked to the fireplace and added a little firewood, and the fire suddenly burned more vigorously.

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