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The lace loop around the waist was removed along the way, and it slid across the waist and abdomen under the clothes, rubbing against it, causing a little trembling for no reason. .

With three questions left, he had to make sure that the question would not be too direct and easy to identify, so that the kidnapper would simply refuse to answer, and he had to make sure that he could rule out the answer among the remaining three.

You can't ask about appearance, you can only try it side by side.

Yu Yuan hesitated for a while before asking, "Have I known you for a long time?"

It is not long for the identity of "Edith" to be the queen. In comparison, Fernando has known him the longest, Howard is the second, and Eugene is the shortest.

And just in terms of his personal opinion, Howard is still the most likely one... He has really figured out 800 ways to deal with this mad dog who committed the following crimes, and he is almost 100% sure of his identity.

The kidnapper didn't answer right away, he just gently took off the stockings again, this time it was stuck in half of the calf, not going up or down, and the lace loop that was originally on the waist was hanging in the knee socket.

It will not fade, as if the attitude of refusal and welcome, his honorable queen is lying on her side like a mermaid, her ink hair and skirt are blooming like petals, so that he can almost smell the flowers blooming in the air. Intoxicating aroma.

The legs that are close together can only cover the skirt on the knees, and the stockings that have been taken off, every inch and every inch is like a paintbrush outline, in line with his ultimate fantasy. The seemingly noble identity and appearance are actually hidden secrets. He even imagined that such a person would be a queen during the day and become a wandering warbler standing on the street at night, a wandering warbler that belongs to him alone...

He said softly, "It may not be a long time for you, but it has been a long time for me."

Paralyzed, what kind of answer is this!

Yu Yuan wanted Lin Ling to file a complaint with the NPC fraud charges, but technician Lin, who followed the principle of not "listening to the corner", once again confirmed that he was really not offline, and left "Come on, bro" and left for dinner. went.

And Yu Yuan, who had been reasonably suspected by technician Lin to have "game TOP cancer", really almost broke his teeth and had to personally confirm the identity of this pervert.

"You don't count as an answer." Yu Yuan was very angry, "Twice."

There was a little rustling sound next to him, which seemed to be the friction of the fabric. Yu Yuan, who was blindfolded, would amplify everything he heard. At this time, he heard the kidnapper continue to say in a deliberately low voice: "Okay, yes. My problem, this time doesn't count."

"Since the answer is invalid this time, let me help you..." He put his hand on the queen's calf, his fingertips gently scratching the smooth skin, and this time, the voice was in Yu Yuan's ear It exploded, and the heat hit the pinna, "I'll help you put your stockings back on with my own hands."

"Go away!" Yu Yuan kicked him directly.

But this time, it seemed that the other party's wish was fulfilled. The toes were kicking into the palm of the hand, and the kidnapper, in a gesture of pretending to be a gentleman, immediately put the stockings back on his knees for him, and also dialed the lace loop up. As if it was so kind.

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