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If the holographic game can also be reloaded, Yu Yuan will definitely choose to go back to the last save point, and restart the game after reading it again. If he could do that, he shouldn't be bound and blindfolded, locked in a room where he doesn't know where he is now.

"Technician Lin, can you give me a hang? Please help." Yu Yuan felt that his hands and feet were tied behind his back, and every time he tried to struggle, he must have been like a mollusk, and he simply stopped moving randomly, "I'm fine. Miserable, is this also normal content in the game?"

No one is shocked to hear that a king and queen have been kidnapped!

"Cough, I said that each plot is triggered randomly. Think about it differently. Some of your previous actions have affected the current plot."

It has to start from the night the fourth victim appeared.

Eugene, who was in charge of being the bait, raised the suspicion of the "Blue Rose Cult" to the Queen, and Yu Yuan asked Howard and the Knights to help him track down the matter among the rogues in the streets and alleys. In the end, it was true. Let them find out, and it doesn't differ much from Eugene's original description.

The blue rose is not only the flower that left a deep impression on the people when Queen Edith Matilda married into the royal family, and has since been linked to the image of the queen, but also a flower related to witchcraft in the legend of Sutton Kingdom. The Sutton Kingdom, which repells monsters and other human beings, prohibits witchcraft, so that the image of wizards is demonized here, and even becomes a legend and becomes the "belief" of some people.

Among them, Queen Edith is obviously a "leader", but she still goes to the queen's position despite the rumors of a wizard, which has become the highest "belief" among believers, and just as many people have nowhere to go They will believe in cults, and those wandering warblers in the streets and alleys do not distinguish between men and women, but many of them are living in desperation and embark on the road of believing in the "Witch Queen".

Yu Yuan was speechless for a while after learning that there was still such an inside story. He felt like it sounded like a micro-business scam in his era. As a queen, he was the biggest micro-business head and went ashore after getting rich, leaving a bunch of other micro-businesses to believe in him from now on. "Success Myth".

Also as Eugene reminded, the first three victims had this in common apart from the identity of the fake Orioles. The so-called "Blue Rose Cult" was found in the relics they left on their bodies or in their humble dwellings. The logo of , to put it bluntly, is an ordinary blue rose decoration, made into small jewelry or embroidered with a little tattoo on the clothes, even to express one's own beliefs.

The most exaggerated thing is that when he was taken by Howard to investigate the scene, Yu Yuan also saw a portrait of his "queen" in the house of a victim, which can be said to be very religious.

However, it was just when their investigation broke through and Howard arranged for him to be guarded by more knights out of vigilance, the queen encountered an accident on the carriage returning from the knights.

Yu Yuan vaguely remembered that when he fainted, the sun had just set, and his last memory was that the carriage seemed to be overturned accidentally when it was forced to make a sharp turn, and when he woke up, he was bound with hands and feet.

Temporarily loses sight, but it's not that he can't try to deduce what's going on around him. There was a faint scent in the air, even a bit like perfume. He stretched out his fingers to touch it, and he felt as if it was some kind of soft material, silk or some other delicate fabric. The touch under him was very soft, as if he had been thrown into some cushion.

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