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The serial killings, which killed three people, have the biggest thing in common is that they were all male **** workers posing as female **** workers.

Howard showed the book page in front of him and continued: "At present, there is no other connection between the three victims other than this, including the place where the three 'fake warblers' stand on the street do not have any similarities. "

"According to witnesses, this person often appears near the bar street in the outer city. No one knows his real name. People there call him 'Night Rose'." Howard pointed to one of the portraits, and then pointed to the other, "The other The situation of the two people is similar, but they are both active in other places, which is a relatively marginal group. The first victim was the 'Night Rose', which happened a month ago. The latter two victims were separated by about half a month. This The latest victim."

"The three of them are good-looking men, and they look like women even if they don't deliberately dress up, but according to the current survey, they mainly receive customers who are interested in men. They all died not far from the "working place" In alleys and other places, there are few pedestrians in the dark at night, and it is not easy to be found. In addition, the modus operandi is neat and tidy, which makes it impossible to trace the first and second cases, and even the third case has occurred so far.

The portrait he pointed to was an image of a blond woman, and Yu Yuan noticed that "real name unknown" was written next to it.

I am afraid that the results of the investigation on the name can only be the same as the first victim. After all, nine out of ten people of this kind have no family members, and it is good to use this "stage name" at work, which often means that the identity cannot be Track down your true identity.

"All three died of neck strangulation, and there were no other injuries on their bodies." Howard continued: "In fact, I have seen three scenes, Her Royal Highness, you may have heard the rumor about the remains at the scene. look."

It was like a riddle, but Yu Yuan understood.

As soon as there is something new in the city, it often spreads quickly, especially this kind of bad news, which spreads even faster after seeing blood. Nowadays, there are already many versions among the public. Some people say that there is a client who punishes the fake orioles who cheated money, and some people say that it is an indiscriminate serial killer, but one of these rumors is very important about the scene—— It is said that the victims were very peaceful when they died, as if they were not heading for death, but were thrown into the arms of new life.

But this description is too strange, Yu Yuan really did not expect it to be true, and now he has been admitted by Howard.

So, he asked, "What direction do you infer now?"

This is a game, the game does not create dead ends, and the lack of true identity should not have a big impact.

"From the current situation, it is obvious that he is a person who specializes in picking 'fake warblers'. Recently, the night patrol in the city has been increased, and additional personnel have been dispatched to relevant areas in the outer city." Howard took out a map, "Your Highness the Queen, you Look, these three are the places where the case took place, and investigations have been carried out centered on these three points, and the men who often haunt here have been excluded one by one..."

Yu Yuan rolled his eyes, "Have you considered other methods?"

"What?" Howard was puzzled, "We are already looking down in a suspicious direction..."

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