Chapter 022 - John Sensei And The Boy

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TN: I actually planned to write 2 chapters yesterday since it's my off day but...I got too wrapped up in Gyakuten Saiban / Ace Attorney 6 to care... It's too addicting!

The boy was in a single-mother family.

The boy was in a single-mother family.

His mother worked overtime everyday. The difficulties of raising a child single-handedly and doing her job was proving to be more difficult then she thought causing her spirit to wear away everyday.

The boy's mother was beautiful.

But .........

That day, the boy's mother returned home late after her overtime.

" Welcome home. "

The boy who turned 8 years old honestly waited for his mother to come home every night.

Just so to give his mother warm food after working hard everyday for his sake.

" ..... I'm home. "

The dinner prepared by the boy was splendid. So good that he could open a restaurant.

The boy, since young, had been trying his best with the housework.

In order to lessen his mother's burden.

In order to get a smile from her.

In order to get praised by her.

In order to get approval from her.

But no matter how he tried his best, his mother never smiled at him. Never ever praised him. She even treated him like he was not even there.

Today was the same. His mother did not smile, did not say that the food was delicious and simply went to bed with a darkened face.

Even so, the boy never did once blame his mother.

Because the boy knew how many difficulties his mother had faced.

The boy had a thought.

Anyone could do housework. It was the boy himself who had not tried his best.

And so the boy tried harder.

His studies. Sports.

He tried hard as like in the past. He got full marks every time. Before he realized, he had already studied all the way till university level.

Without slacking at housework.

He would fold the clothes neatly, clean every nook and corner, cook delicious dinner every night, get full marks in every test.

And all he got was a " Right. "

It was a wearisome, short reply.

A reply that did not recognize the effort the boy put in.

And even so, the boy did never once blame his mother.

It happened on a certain day.

The boy's mother fainted.

She was admitted into the hospital but no cause could be found. She was already skinny and yet she got skinnier day by day.

The boy devoted his time in taking care of her.

And even so never once had his mother looked at him.

The final day came.

It was a rare day where his mother was smiling self-deprecatingly which caused the boy to involuntarily ask.

" Mum, why do you hate me? "

The boy knew it in his heart.

Why his mother never once looked at him no matter how hard he tried.

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