Chapter 098 - We Need To Talk

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TN: Hey guys! Since I only have the time and internet to do this on the weekends, I said I could only update once a week.

However, I don't really like to keep you guys waiting and once a week is gonna make me rusty.

So, I decided on 2 post in a row every weekend. I would try to continue this and at times where I couldn't, I would inform you.

I do have a life. So I do wanna go out sometime during the weekend. Hehehehe. A pumpkin hadda eat!

Yes, of course there would be a trial waiting for me after the ceremony / announcement. It's named, being-in-the-center-of-a-storm-from-everyone's-gazes. I was being pierced by arrows everywhere. If my situation was to be drawn in a manga, I would be lying in a pool of blood right now.

By the way, King Kesamu met my eyes again when he was leaving. Yes, he snickered. Seeing that expression, I had a feeling he was aiming to expose this in the first place but since it was already done, there was no use crying over spilled milk.

Anyway, it had already been exposed to a muggle student, Calius-senpai via Zirco-san. Come to think of it, hadn't I been exposed many times already?

As this all ran through my mind, I walked cheerfully down the corridor, driven out by all the gazes directed at me. At least the only relief was there were hardly any malice in the gazes. Zen and Selphy's gazes were exceptionally sharp and pierced right through my back but sorry, I would not look back.

As long as I reached the classroom, I would be saved. A savior (god) was waiting for me. A savior (god) given by John-sensei.

I was not planning to stay silent, but this was not a suitable place to talk. At least wait till we were in the dorm.

Like that, with a slightly quicker pace, we reached the classroom. And there, I was dealt with another shock.

" ......Zelda-sensei.....?!?!?! "

I shouted, unintentionally. Because the person standing there was......

" Ha ha ha ha ha!! "

Grinning while revealing his rows of white shiny teeth, he was showing off his muscle with just a single pair of briefs on.

" .......... "

The unfortunate trio that arrived at the classroom looked at each other. Within the huge classroom, we were unforgivingly assaulted by the swirling chaos.

With us frozen in position of looking at each other, we began talking with our eyes. When Selphy and I looked at Zen, his eyes swam about as he gave a small shake of his head. And when Zen, who looked like he was about to cry, looked at Selphy, she shook her head, her face stunned. If you were to forcefully dub this...

[ Zen, you go! ]

[ Im, impossible! Help, Selphy! ]

[ What are you saying? I don't want to! ]

Was what happened.

In the end, their gazes were directed at me. ......Oi. Was today 'direct your gazes at me' day? Ooooiiiii.

No helping it, I gave an inaudible sigh as I took a step forward.

" Wh, what are you doing, Zelda-sensei...... "

Please forgive me for stammering.

It was that you know.

The intensity of that sight close up was stronger than I thought. What was this brown luster coming from his muscles..... when did you get this tan, Zelda-sensei. Elzmu does not have a beach, you know? Nor a tanning salon.

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