Chapter 111 - The Feelings Over The Years

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" Will, thank you. "

The lunch ladies said, patting my head happily. The 'Vanilla Ice Cream' was popular as expected and was gobbled up by them in no time. It seemed like the rule that women will go crazy over sweets still hold it's grounds even in an alternate world. Just one tiny fact....

Ice cream could be said to be the devil of sweets as, like it's appearance, it's calories was mind-blowing. But, as the concept of 'calories' were not known in this world, so there was no way for me to explained it to them. Well.... looking at their physique, it should not make any difference but.. cough, cough. This was something that shouldn't be said.

Even in this other world, discussing about a woman's weight was taboo.

" I seldom get the chance to eat any sweets but this is delicious! "

" Yes, yes. I love that 'Jelly'. "

" That wobbly texture coupled with the sweetness of fruits are really difficult to resist! "

And, as I was pondering about the issue in my head, the lunch ladies were chatting among themselves, the topic being 'deserts', of course.

By the way, I was sure you guys must had thought that I was the one behind 'Jelly'! I would not had you misunderstood me.


This 'Jelly', was created even before I was born, by the First Founder. The First Founder had spread all sorts of Japan culture throughout Elzmu but it seemed like he was not really good at cooking, as one of the few foods he left behind was this 'Jelly'.

Ah, since he must be someone from modern Japan so it was not weird that he cannot really cook. Unexpectedly, he might even me like me, a high schooler.

Guys who make deserts like cakes and ice cream were very rare in high school. Although I was one of the rare ones. That was because of all the part-time work I did that gave me the experience. This was life, you never know what it was going to teach you.

And Jelly was a simple desert that was made by hardening the mixture mixed with gelatin. Even if the First Founder had never made jelly before, as long as he had the knowledge about 'gelatin', it was something that could be done easily.


Even though piggies do not exist in this world, we had a creature called Orcs. Piggies that walked on 2 legs.

I had read many accounts of Orcs from all sorts of medium in my previous life but in this life, Orcs were simply normal pigs walking on 2 legs. Omnivorous and loves cleanliness, surprisingly. They squealed and oink and, unlike all the fantasy novels on Earth, they do not had the knowledge in carrying weapons.

Well, they were tentatively being categorized as magical beasts but they were still livestock. As they attacked humans whenever they see one, the person that raised them were said to be quite strong. He was said to be a former adventurer.

The farm? Although to called it a farm was rather weird, and I had not asked about it directly but, the owner of the farm I met once when I was helping Buu-san to set up his B-grade gourmet within the Merchant Guild, was a gorilla-like person whose arms were as thick as someone else's legs.

He seemed to be a former adventurer who raised to 'B Rank'. B rank was deemed as [Somewhat an expert] and would be well known within his hometown.

And yes, adventurers rank was as orthodox as they came. I got excited and went near the owner and began asking questions but, even though his face was flushing red from anger, the uncle still patiently explained everything.


Thinking back, he was a really nice guy. Because, he answered all of my questions while his arm trembled as he patted my head. Even though I did not revealed my identity of a Duke's son, he still accommodated my willfulness.

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