Chapter 060 - The King And The Emperor

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TN: Once again, rule of thumb. 3 days between each chapters.

The history of how Elzmu was founded was quite abrupt in the first place. It was founded in an instant by the First King after he suddenly appeared. Elzmu's origin was unknown. Even the Elzmu name itself was unclear if it was the First King's name or the name of the land. Anyway, the First King called himself Elzmu.

The Hero really came out of nowhere.

With his strong magic and perfect swordsmanship, he had the ability to pull people in as well as possessed unbelievable knowledge. The strength of the King was legendary and he was a Hero to everyone.

The founding of Elzmu 200 years ago was by Beryl and Elzmu. And from then on, the Beryl family, together with Elzmu Royal Family supported the country together. That was the truth.

And now, I was going to meet with the head of the royal family, the top of the country, the current King, as I headed towards the audience room. The corridor gave off an air of intimidation and you could just feel history oozing off it.

I am sorry for saying you have a Yamamoto's face.

Once again, I was reminded that I was about to meet with the man ruling this country. But the castle's interior was out of my expectations. The floor was not laid with gorgeous carpets but was instead bare, showing the stone paving.

Alcumedes walked in front of me gracefully. The castle had a simple internal structure as the way towards the audience room from the entrance was almost a straight line.

In front of the door to the audience room stood 2 guards in black metal armor. Spotting me, they went on alert and doubtfully stared at me. Then they realized that Alcumedes-san was together with me and hastily corrected their posture but I would still feel their doubtful gaze through their helmet.

Stopping right in front of the door, Alcumedes-san turned and faced me before executing a perfect bow.

" We have reached the audience room, Williams Beryl-sama. "

At Alcumedes-san's words, the 2 guards corrected their posture once again with great force. Hm. What happened? Was the Beryl's name all that great? I wondered as I gave a sidelong glance at the knights? Soldiers? as the 10m tall door that reached all the way to the ceiling slowly opened. Made you feel like making sound effects like *Creak* and *Groan* for it.

The room inside was bright and dazzling. The ceiling was high and adorned with a gorgeous chandelier. Red carpets full of detailed patterns were laid out on the floor as well as a plain red carpet that extended all the way to the throne from the entrance. Instead of stone, the walls here were made with white mineral and decorated with beautiful furnishings and paintings. On the left was a huge glass window. You can see the entire capital from here. It was a magnificent view.


To tell the truth, I had made light of it when I first entered. Awesome. This place was awesome! It was so elegant that it was hard to breath. Ah yes, I am a real noble. The heir to the best Duke family.

But the inner me was a peasant, you idiot.

Which was why, instead of blinding myself with all the elegance, I kept my eyes down as I walked slowly towards the throne and knelt. Yep, I was sure this was the correct etiquette according to John-sensei's teaching.

" Raise your head. "

A dignified voice resounded throughout the audience room. I was envious of that cool baritone he had.

" Yes. "

In contrast, mine was an alto. How embarrassing. Pushing that feeling deep down within, I raised my head, keeping a serious face.

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