Chapter 041 - Ah, What Should I Say About This?

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Yes, even I would somehow expected it.

——- This.

Let’s turn time back to dawn.

” Oi, wake up! ”

I wake up to a loud noise accompanied with shouting. As I groggily get up, I see an amused face peeking through the gap between the double storey bed. As well as a boy with dull blond hair standing at the doorway.

It seems that Kiro has opened the door and comes to wake us up with that huge voice of his. Then, I feel a jolt coming from the bottom bunk, follows by a yelp.

” Ouch-! ”

Looks like Zen has bumped his head. Kiro, who stands at the doorway, snickers at that. What they are doing this early in the morning, I wonder as I look at that malt brown skin and dazzling white teeth sleepily.

” I forgot to tell you yesterday that the cafeteria breakfast timing is till 7am. There would be nothing for you if you are late so take note. ”

Saying that, Kito leaves for the next room swiftly. Almost next to immediate, a loud voice shouting ‘Wake up!’ Could be heard. What a sense of duty. To go around all first years’ room to inform just because he has forgotten the day before… No, there are only 6 of us. Which means 3 rooms. So that isn’t that big of a deal, I think and smile while climbing down the ladder attached to the bunk bed.

” Morning, Zen. ”

[TN: Ohaiyo, zan, you need to know this]

Ohaiyo San. It is a title of a drama in my previous world that I let out a small giggle. I just make a pun without expecting it.

Thanks to the bump on the head, Zen is completely up. Mumbling a soft ‘Morning’, he climbs out of his bed. I let out a small sigh as I open the cabinet. About one-third of it belongs to me. It goes without saying that the rest of it is taken up by Zen’s stuff, especially his books.

Putting my uniform on for the 2nd time, I smile at the silkiness. Phillis Academy has a unified uniform. The orthodox shirt that looks like a pseudo-Japanese stand up collar uniform. A slight grayish coat the fits nicely along the body shape, it feels just like a slim version of the Gakuran. [TN: Japanese stand up collar uniform. You know, those black uniforms that Yankee always wear in mangas?]

On the left breast area, 2 badges are pinned.

The school badge and the class badge, one on the top and the other below. The school badge has a design of a western shield, separated into 4 colors by a cross. Clockwise from the left is red, blue, white and green. With the word ‘Phillis’ across. So cool.

The class badge is made with silver. Might be because we are the white team. A motif of Icris, a Sakura-like flower, and wind is beautifully carved in full detail, looking like a work of art. You would not think it is a school badge.

I tap on the shiny badges and head over to the wash basin. The happy thing about this dorm is that each room is fitted with their own shower room and wash basin. Although it is slightly regrettable that there is no bath attached but we are given 2 tables, a huge cabinet and a bunk bed. It is a nicely equipped dormitory.

I wash my face, smoothen my bed hair and when I walk out of the toilet, I see Zen putting on his uniform sluggishly, his face looking sleepy.

” ……You are going to miss breakfast, you know. ”

Zen jumps at my words.

” How about washing your face first? ”

(Um, Sorry) I've Been Reincarnated (Web Novel)Where stories live. Discover now