Chapter 082 - The House Of Shadows And The Battle Mania

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I broke through the darkness of the night.

It was regrettable that even with my enhanced vision, I could hardly see more than a short distance ahead.

I had enough.

I had enough of losing people without doing anything.

I had enough of losing even if I did anything.

" ......I will crush them. "

The wind around prevented my voice from leaking out but at least my desire was conveyed.

I finally arrived right on top of where the 3 dots on the map were shining. But only thing I saw there was an unlivable broken-down house. There were countless holes in the roof and it was in a condition where only the bare bones of the house was left standing. No one could be seen.


No matter how I doubted my eyes, what I cannot see would still remain unseen. It was just an empty whirl of nothingness there. It had completely turned dark. On the other side of the blue blue sky, the reddish glow at the edge of the horizon flickered gloomily as it died down.

[TN: Okay, I have no idea why the author keeps alt between total darkness and still seeing the light and blue sky. I reckon she's hanging out with Alcohol-san.]

Was my magic wrong?

No, it cannot be. Nothing could be done if that's the case. I had a solid image in my mind as I chanted the spell perfectly. It would be to the degree of denying the laws of this world itself if the magic was wrong despite it activating.

In that case, why was there nothing here?

No, it was not that there was no one here.... but that I can't see anyone. Yes, [Shadows] were known to control the darkness. When I first met Chiffon and Buu-san, Buu-san was using《影》. Like me right now.

It was written 'my hall' on the paper left behind. There was no way it would be this broken-down house.

Which meant.

The hall was hidden. There was nothing else I could do even if I was wrong about this.


[TN: Mahou Kouka Toushi, See-through all magic effects]

I chanted and it unexpectedly appeared instantly. It was quite.. anticlimactic.

In a word, it was a masterpiece.

The [Shadow's Hall] looked very shadowish. It was made out of grey stone with simple, yet dignified engraving around the windows. Beyond the window was shrouded in darkness so unfortunately, the interior cannot be seen. The roof was painted in a dim dark green color and somehow, at the edge, gargoyles were placed there, looking like a western horror house that was rather out-of-place.

And at the top, instead of an arc, a stupidly huge onion-like gate could be seen. 3 lines were engraved along the shape and at the very top, at the opening, Japanese were minutely craved.

A magic circle.

It seemed to be written in a clerical script-style font. It shouldn't match with a Gothic-style house but somehow, it strangely fit. An ominous yet grandeur kind of feeling?

Plus, dimwitted phrase like 'Hide this Hall of Shadows', 'Look like a broken-down house' and 'Just a framework for the roof' was written on it.

Above everything else, right in the middle of the damn huge ass door,《Say Open Sesame! to open this door》was written.

How surreal was this? But I don't have the time to laugh and enjoy. I do not have the time to hold back.

Taking a deep breath, I stood in front of the door with hands on my hip and shouted.

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