Chapter 035 - Continuous Shocks

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” ――――…ll-sama, Will-sama. ”

Drifting in the pleasant realm of light sleep, I heard a far-away voice calling me. My consciousness was then pulled back out… By a tremendous force shaking me.

” Uwah….! ”

…Ah, it’s Chiffon……

” Morning, Will-sama. ”

” Morning. ….Chiffon. ”

Such energy in the morning. This person, had just come flying over as she jumped on my bed and was currently sitting on top of my abdomen.

Sigh…. It must be my imagination that something felt like coming out.

Then, as though she sensed it, Chiffon, with the same energy, leapt off the bed and stood by it, her tail wagging furiously.

Her ears, as soft and fluffy as usual, stood up on her head and were pointed towards me.

Damn it…. So cute!

I could not be angry at her even if I wanted to…

I let out a sigh before gently smiling, beckoning her with my eyes and hands to come over. I lifted up my hands, as if wanting her help to pull me out of bed….

” ……… Gwah!? ”

Once she grasped my hand, I pulled with all of my might. The result of that was her falling on the bed beside me.

…Tch… I missed…… Ah no, I did not say anything. I did not think about anything either!

I immediately got up and moved closer to Onee-san, who was lying face-down on the bed.

Revenge time!

Since it was such a good chance, I was going to touch it.

Broadly grinning, I reached out.

” ….ah! ”

” Fluffy~ ”

I wanted to stroke Chiffon’s tail! I had always wanted to touch it!

In my previous life, I loved animals like cats or dogs. I skillfully ran my hand along the chestnut tail, going along the flow of the direction of the hairs. Her ears, as seen from the back, were twitching. So cute.

Without thinking, I reached my right hand over to her ears as my left hand continued to stroke her tail.

” ….please wake me up gently next time okay, Chiffon? ”

I lowered my voice, leaned close to her ears and chided her. I knew she was just playing but I could not yield on this.

Because for a moment there I felt like my life was in danger.

” I am sorrrryyyyyy! ”

Jumping up forcefully, Chiffon avoided my eyes and turned red as she apologized.

….Was touching her tail that embarrassing…?

I shall restrain myself next time.

Eh? Why was I not stopping?

I could not. Once you had a taste of the addictive Tail-sama you could never stop!

Beside Chiffon, who jumped from the bed and stood back facing me, I peeled myself from the bed and began changing.

I thought you knew who Chiffon was by now.

One of the ‘Shadows’, the Onee-san.

I had asked Father and we took her back from the orphanage in the Capital. And now, by her own request, she was understudying as my private maid.

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