Chapter 072 - Retaliation Against Grousil (Mid)

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TN: Surprise, we got ourselves a 4-parter. Yes, 4 parts. This is going to be a fun ride~

Thinking the [Shadows] might come, I obediently got caught and was hand-cuffed immediately and tied up in rope.

Ah, I panicked for a moment when the rope bit into my ankle. Were the rogues with their rough treatment the worst of the [Shadows]? They did not seem to notice I was male. At the very least I could confirm at even if they were [Shadows], no information was given to them. Cough, like cross-dressing, cough.

I really don't wanna be found out that I am cross-dressing!!

With my eyes bound, I was thrown into the back of a carriage. I still had my visualization magic so there was no meaning to binding my eyes.

You ask if I could see through the cloth binding my eyes? He he he, it's the men's dream, wasn't it! Magic was all about the imagination!!

.....Excuse me. My excitement level got a bit weird. It must be my fear of the shaking from the carriage. As I was tied up, I got the full brunt of it. I was not in the wrong.

The carriage was heading towards the inner part of the street. The gatekeeper had said that security was bad the north side of the town so I guessed we were heading there through the side streets.


I really wondered if they were [Shadows]. Even if they were earlier than expected, I still didn't think they were [Shadows] despite doing a good job in luring us in. The [Shadows] I knew of were Chiffon, Bibinyaru-san and Buu-san only but these rogues were too rough to even compare. Or were Chiffon and them the elite ones?

No matter, the roughness.

Firstly, they let me keep my consciousness. Secondly, they did not gag me. What if I shout? Besides, their skill in tying the ropes was lousy, their actions were amateurish and their footsteps were loud. Even if the streets were stone-paved or it was okay for footsteps outside, it was too loud. Within the stone-paved floor of the Royal Castle in Elzmu, the Intelligence Corp (ninja) managed to walk without making a sound so it went without saying that [Shadows] could do it too.

Were they just usable pieces?

Like how [Shadow] controlled people using [Slave Collar] or manipulated their memories like Caralsdoni-san. Their tail sure was difficult to catch. Thinking about the [Shadows] made my head hurt.

As I was thinking about these things, the carriage stopped. It seemed like we had reached our destination. As predicted, we entered a building inside somewhere deep into the street from the side road. This must be where the carriage house was. To the wall facing the side of the carriage, a crude wooden door could be seen.

Or rather, wouldn't it be obvious for a horse carriage to be entering a side road? Were they stupid? Were they stupid?

Or was the entire area under their control? If that was the case, I should not take them lightly. I thought they were underlings but they might be doing it on purpose. Because just by movement alone one would be able to tell an expert from a novice. They might be pretending to be one.

To change the way a body move was almost impossible. The only ones who I knew could do it were Father and me. If they could do it as well, they were quite skilled. Thinking about it, I started feeling unease about me being tied up. Hm, let's have some insurance.


[TN: Hogo Maku, Protection film, something like a barrier]

Taking care not to let my mana leak out, I further strengthened myself.

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