Chapter 065 - He Who Came Back

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His consciousness began to surface slowly after submerging for so long. He then slowly opened his eyes from that comfortable slumber.

" ........ An unknown ceiling.. "

Yes, the uncle who just spitted out this phrase just a moment ago was no other than the one and only Caralsdoni. He then remembered he flew out of the water and began to look around restlessly, putting his guard up.

.....That's right.

As his brain started waking up, last night's memories started flowing back. It seemed like he had managed to go through last night without any accident.

This room was the room the Bear guy had carried him in. Although it was not confirmed to be safe yet, he felt like it was okay to relax. Relieved, Caralsdoni stroked his chest to calm himself down.

Even so, to not have woken up before then proved the nerves of steel he had. And when he was feeling half shocked and half amazed at what he had done, the door opened with a clank.

And caused Caralsdoni to doubt his eyes.

" I am so very sorry! "

――――――――A bear was doing a dogeza. [TN: Prostrate on the ground.]

" Wha, wha, wha, what?? "

In the end, Caralsdoni fell into a state of confusion as he darted his eyes about.

" Really, I am hopeless. I tend to ignore the surroundings if I get too engrossed in something. "

" Ah....Eh.. "

Bear guy and Caralsdoni were sitting opposite each other at the dining table. The room made out of wood was kept simple, which in turn gave out a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

And in that room, as opposed to the embarrassed bear guy who was scratching his head, Caralsdoni had a troubled smile on his face.

What was going on?

He was completely lost. For now, he understood that Bear guy had no intention to harm him and instead was apologizing for something. Caralsdoni had been tilting his head in confusion for a while now.

" I am really so sorry. To have brought you here without any explanation whatsoever... you must have been very confused. "

Bear guy said, regret dripping from his slowly drawn out words. Now Caralsdoni got it. It seemed like Bear guy finally realized what he had done.

" It's all right. It seemed like I was saved as well. "

He had to give his thanks first. Although he had many questions, it was manners to give thanks to the man who saved his life.

As Caralsdoni gave his thanks, he too, urged for answers.

" I had a shock when I saw you drifting down the river. As you stopped breathing, I gave your CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation. "

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation?

When he revealed a confused face, Bear guy showed a proud look as he explained.

" I was taught by someone I know. The way to help someone resume breathing when they stop. "

" I see. "

Caralsdoni nodded. Bear guy nodded in satisfaction as well before glancing at Caralsdoni.

" ......But why are you washed away in the river? "

Bear guy had a curious expression that masked the worry that fleeted across his face now and then. Caralsdoni felt a lump in his throat.

The reason was that he fell and knocked his head was so embarrassing that he dared not to say it. Looking at the complicated face Bear guy was making in front of Caralsdoni, he must have thought Caralsdoni was involved in some incident or something.

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