Chapter 106 - Gion's Boyhood

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" Yep, we won. "

" Oo! You are indeed a son of Lily's and mine! I did think that you would win but really! By a lower acad first year! "

Gion stood up as his excitement levels rose. He had paid a close attention to the time and knew that the tournament would be just about ending and when the phone rang, he rushed to pick it up. The better result than expected made it hard for him to hide his joy.

He continued to talk in high spirits with Will through the phone, chuckling throughout.

" It was all thanks to everyone's summoned beasts. "

" Well, it might look that way but it was the idea that won. You deserved the praise. "

As he continued praising his humble son, he began to reminisce about his boyhood.

" Oiiiii!! Stop right there!!! "

Today was another day of escaping. At the escaping side, Gion looked at his partner-in-crime's face and the both of them grinned. Then, at the forked end of the passage, they cleanly split up, one going to the left, while the other to the right. The black-haired boy who was chasing them, stopped as he wavered about which way to go. But that moment of waver cost him the both of them.

" Damn it..... "

The 2, who looked down at the frustrated boy with his slicked back hair, looked at each other and grinned once again.

Gion Beryl.

He was the eldest son of the distinguished Beryl family of the current 12 year old Elzmu country. But the real him was.....

" Hehehehehe..... It went swimmingly well, Gion! "

" Aah, my crime-in-partner Kesamu! Everything's easy with this damascus ring! Fu hahahahaha!! "

He laughed loudly.

Yes, the son from the highest ranking family was a Chuunibyo scamp. Moreover, he loved playing tricks.

" Yea. The face of Varino when he got [Kancho-ed] was the best! "

Kesamu laughed, his eyes a pair of slits. Yes, the one running around playing tricks on people with Gion was none other than the next king-in-line, Kesamu Tera Oi Elzmu.

The 2 scamps often played pranks on their teachers as often as they played truant. But even so, they scored high marks when it came to their exams so it was frustrating.

The black-haired boy just now, Varino, had stopped their pranks on the teachers the moment he became the dorm leader but that was because most pranks headed his way instead.

This had earned him praises from the Headmaster and from the teachers as they were freed from the pranks but was it really a good thing for Varino?

The poor Varino, who had his butt assaulted with a [Kancho] from Gion, held it with his hand as he went back to the classroom, eyes watering. The 2, who had waited for that, descended down from the ceiling. Gion even posed when he landed on the floor. Ah... the painfulness of Chuunibyo...

" What shall we do next? "

Gion laughed fearlessly. Many ideas started appearing in his head.

" It wouldn't be art if we are to repeat our pranks.... "

Gion flipped his soft silver hair as he grinned. The pranks from the 2 of them had quite a wide range. Like inserting the blackboard eraser between the doors (which was opened by Varino a second just before the teacher), or to steal his favorite food during lunch, or to ask about Liliana, who Varino seemed to have a crush on.

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