Chapter 079 - Ivan's Agony

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Ivan was now trembling with joy.

Ahh, the wonders of fate. The encounter with an Angel that changed his outlook on life and even to be able to serve as a knight! How lucky he was.

This was the day he finally felt the presence of god. And with that, regret over his past actions.

Yes, Ivan changed.

He was totally different from the rogue-like him from yesterday. It could be seen from the way he regretted over his past actions.

And when he looked at Willia's innocent smile, he was so deeply moved that he trembled. He would have you know the trembling was not from pain.

By the way, his muscles ached, especially from his calf, so he could not even stand and remained lying on the floor.

" Well. "

" ――――――――――――!!? "

All of a sudden, Willia-chan lost her innocence. She seemed to be saying something but Ivan was not listening any longer.

Seeing the sudden serious and mature look on Willia, Ivan, unable to believe his own eyes, rubbed them hard. The sudden movement caused pain to shoot up his calf again but now was not the time to be bothered by that.

What happened?

What happened to the gentle, beautiful, shining, pure, Angel-like, innocent, cute little Willia-chan? She looked like a totally different person with that expression.

.....Was she possessed by something?!!?

It was definitely possible. Because they were outside right now, and alone. And Willia was still a child, she would not have the mental strength to guard against it. Ivan had heard of a magical beast called 'Ghost' that possessed people every now and then. If that was the case, he needed to do something.

The way to force it out was to give the possessed body a shock that forced it out. A shock.... which meant a hit.

He would have to hit Willia-chan?!

" I can't do it! "

Willia-chan who lost her innocent was still cute! She had a mysterious aura around her now. There was no way Ivan could hit his treasure, Willia. But that was the only way to save her.

What should he do?

And when he was in conflict about it, a troubled smile appeared on Willia-chan's face suddenly. And it had enough destructive power to pull Ivan back to reality.

" Ivan-san. "

Ivan, whose name had been called by Willia, flushed like the color of boiled Ajipo.

Ahh... He didn't care anymore...

And when he was about to say that out loud..

" .....There won't be turning back after this, Ivan-san. Is this your [Final Answer]? "

Willia-chan said.

That was dangerous. If he were to say that out right now, the reborn him would die on this day too. Seeing Willia-chan waiting for his answer, he frantically coughed and cleared his throat before realizing he had no idea what the question meant.

Ivan was only a rogue-ish soldier of Hattuo. Of course, he had never gone to school before. He had no choice but to start learning now. Swallowing his embarrassment, he asked.

" Erm...*cough*... What..what do you mean? "

" Ah, sorry about that. I am asking if it is really okay to be my guard. There would be no turning back. "

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