Chapter 054 - Attack

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TN: Don't lose to cliff-san!


The two of us ran towards the screaming. It should be around where the shoe rack was. Pushing through others, we arrived at the spot and saw a crowd gathering around the shoe rack with a window right above it.

Pushing aside the uneasiness that was welling up, I looked outside the window.....

" .....Selphy...? "

I wondered who muttered that.

The shattered glass pieces were scattered all over the ground under the window and the green-haired Selphy, whose hair looked reddish, was laying there.

Reddish.... hair...?

It was at about the same time I realized it was blood that I saw a shadow from the corner of my eyes.

" I'm borrowing this! "

" .....Will!? "

I ignored the surprised voice of Zen behind me and before I knew it, I had jumped out of the window. From the air, what I caught sight of, was the shadow swinging a silver knife down towards Selphy.


...I won't be able to make it in time..!

Immediately once I landed, I swung the thing I borrowed and shouted.

" 《....っんのやろおおお!》" [TN: ....that bastard!]

Clink and the sound of metal clashing was heard. Just by a hair breath, my weapon was nearly knocked out of my hands by the shadow's swing of his silver sword.

I will be in the disadvantage if it comes down to weight. Using the point of where the opponent's sword and mine touched as balance, I slid down and struck, going with the flow. But it was avoided by just a margin and I took the attack full-frontal.

From my weapon, the sound of tearing cloth was heard. The weapon I borrowed ―――― the cloth on the umbrella cleanly slid to the ground.

" You, what do you think you're doing? "

Clicking my tongue, I asked the shadowy man, who took the chance to put some distance between us. Of course, I had not expected him to answer.

The sword he lowered was undoubtedly the real deal and from his swordsmanship, he had the intent to kill.

An enemy. In that case, no mercy was required.

I glared at the man. He was dressed in a long black robe with his long black hair dancing behind him. The long black hair which he simply left it growing, got caught in the wind which smoothly spread it out in the air.

It could be said to be a beautiful sight, however, it just looked ominous right now. His exposed face was seen donning a ninja-like mask. The only thing that can be seen was his eyes. The red eyes narrowed in delight.

" You are pretty good, boy. "

He said haltingly.

" Who are you? "

His relaxed posture revealed no openings.

Do I go in with a knife? ......No, magic. There is magic in this world, isn't it?

As I tried to whip my chaos mind in order, I acted calmly. No, magic was out. Although there was a distance between us, there were too many people around. Most likely, a huge-scaled magic would be needed to defeat him. People will definitely be roped in. In that case...

I directed my mana onto the umbrella, strengthening it. When I did that, the man purred from the bottom of his throat and said.

" Asking my name. Interesting. "

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