Chapter 078 - Endless Envy

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When I looked up the sky, the stars were shining dazzlingly. This world was yet polluted, from the fresh air and the clear sky which the stars glittered brightly. The feeling of travelling after crossing the Iza river, as well as the drop in temperature might play a part in me feeling this way as well.

" .....Why? "

The inns looked suspicious. And in spite of this being a city / town for the country's border, there were hardly any inns around. And when evening came, none of the existing inns had any space.

So we ended up setting up camp.

" .....Why? "

Sharp-sighted Shiro noticed me slumping my shoulders and muttering to myself.

" Hm? What's that, Master? "

" .....Even though it's my first trip overseas.... Even though it is going to be my first time staying at an inn.... "

Something was definitely messing with me. Like how I got an address-unknown-jobless Onii-san as a reward for me crushing an illegal slave merchant, or how I was camping in the streets despite being my first overseas trip.

" It's because you have a disaster constitution. "

As I was raking my brains for an answer, Shiro dropped a bomb on me. The sudden attack made me jumped around in surprise. that's how it was...

I, who had an average face and was not popular like those main-characters.

Ah, but I had a feeling these days, the Light Bell... I was so shaken that my language ability took a hit... Light Novel, or LN for short, featured ordinary MC. Ordinary yet surrounded by high-leveled oddballs and caused trouble for them.

" ...Ha ha ha.. "

I see, so that was it.

My god. This was nothing to laugh at. There was no way I can laugh at this.

I mean, disaster constitution, disaster constitution....

Oi oi, really, what did the First Founder teach this Sacred Beast(Shiro)? Why was he taught all these ridiculous nouns and verbs?!

I can't. It's exhausting to talk to him every time.

And when this exchange was taking place..

" Gwah.. "

A groan sounded somewhere down from where we were. By reflex, the both of us turned towards the origin of the noise. The man made a noise like he wanted to get up.

Shiro moved towards the man who was stirring by rolling a little on the ground. Please don't scold him for rolling. There was no space in the horse carriage available for an injured man to sleep, Watson. No place.

No no no, I did not hear anything like it's cold outside.

" Are you, awake? "

I squatted beside Onii-san and looked at him. He groaned.

"' "

He frowned in agony as he pushed himself up.

" We're outdoors~ "

I said, directing an innocent smile at him. Having to act innocently after a while was quite painful.

" "

Please don't stare at me like that, my mouth was cramping.

" ....Onii-san? "

After continuously calling him, he turned towards me suddenly. He must still be half-asleep just now. He then started to look around, turning his face left and right. Slapping his own cheeks with his hands, he nodded to himself, finally calmed.

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