Chapter 086 - Confusion & Wandering

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Zirco was bewildered.

After catching the chief of [Shadow], Zirco immediately headed towards Kesamu with Will to report everything that had happened the moment they were back in Elzmu. Spinel was brought along at that time and after Will went back, he wanted to discussing a few more things with Gion but.... Spinel, who remained bound, had died without anyone knowing.

There shouldn't be anyone who entered this room. Was it possible for anyone to kill Spinel, who came rolling behind Zirco and Will, right in front both of them plus Kesamu?

Or did Spinel go and die on his own?

In that case, how did he do it......

As confusion and questions swirled inside of him, the reality that Spinel had died right under his nose was not going anywhere. That's why, instead of bewilderment, he felt fatigue instead.

Even if he had wanted to lament about his stupid mistake, he still had no idea what caused it. There was no way to solve this thing without even knowing what the cause was. With that being left hanging, Zirco, despite still being emotionless, hastened his pace as he walked in the castle.

Although there was a chance that Will did something but that possibility was rather low, not to mention irrational. When Will left, Spinel was still alive. Even if he did something to kill Spinel after he left....It was not that he can't do it, but that there was no need for him to do it.

Which meant, if Will had been meaning to kill Spinel, he would not be alive in the first place. Spinel was the chief of [Shadow] and even summoned, using magical tools, a Demon.

To have defeated and even come out victorious with that, there would only be praises and no one would be condemning him for wanting to kill Spinel. So if Will had been truly wanted to kill, he would have made use of the confusion and done it already.

In that case, the other possibilities would be...

There was no way it would be Kesamu. Absolutely not. Not towards Zirco's amazing master slash Wise King, with his well-known and perfect intellect and huge strength. He was not even being considered. The possibility of Zirco having killed Spinel unconsciously would had been higher.

Having thought till here, Zirco began to wonder about who having the advantages if Spinel was dead. Who? The most obvious one would be the shadows. To be caught alive by the enemy only meant interrogations. They knew they would be troubled if they were to reveal any information during interrogations, especially Spinel.

So he might choose to commit suicide instead. But it did not seem like he had regained consciousness.... so how did he do it?

Argh, his thoughts just kept looping. Zirco was at his wit's end.

In this case, he could only wait for the results. Spinel's body was with the royal physician. Right now, various emotions were mixed inside him, causing a complex mood as Zirco waited for the autopsy report.

Surprisingly, a pavilion was erected boldly as Zirco's mansion located in the capital.

Ah no, it might not be that surprising. Other mansions in the capital had imitated it as well. White plaster was plastered over the assembled stones, giving it a very fashionable looking appearance. Looking a little like a building of a commoner who had gotten a wee bit rich.

Ah, but this mansion has a place for you to sneak into the main room through some of the roof tiles, or showing a hidden room if a certain handlebar was pulled, or exist a mysterious space in between the 1st and 2nd floor, looking like a typical Ninja mansion. That being said, this mansion was the product of the previous head's hobbies.

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