Chapter 071 - Retaliation Against Grousil (First)

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TN: Thanks for all the well wishes. I am well on the way to recovery! The cough is still persisting but... hey, no fever and flu!

The street that had stone-paved houses lining up along it, was quiet. At this early hour, it was to be expected that no one was out and about. Although it was the same for Beryl's street and the capital, the extreme use of stone-paving here gave off a cold and inorganic feeling.

Maybe it was the low temperature, maybe it was the whiteness of the cloudy sky. The only sound that reverberated throughout the street that was connected to the checkpoint was from people who entered through it.

The national border street, Flowason.

It was a small town situated at the side of the Iza River that was the border of both Elzmu and Hattuo Empire. Why it was that, just by a bridge alone, was enough to set up a border checkpoint, despite not having walls to prevent illegal entry, was easy to understand once you think about it. In other words, there was no other way to enter / cross the river.

Along the upper stream of the Iza River lies the [Demon Forest]. And thanks to that, aquatic magical beasts had their den within the river itself. It went without saying that if you tried to swim across, you would be attacked. Apart from having your legs pulled by the huge Ajipo, Sea Birds would be circling above. To cross the river, one would need to freeze the surface of the river while fighting off the huge fishes and birds.

Those who could actually do that would not go for illegal entry in the first place.

As for Florwason, it was hard to say that it was flourishing despite all that. Those who visited were merchants who did trading and a portion of travelers (who used it as a water hole) only.

The morning air felt cool. So this was what it meant to come to the north. It sure was cold.

" Found an inn! "

An inn was found easily a little distance away from the checkpoint. It seemed to be called 'Matilda'. The beautiful proprietress of the inn must be called Matilda. It was built in stone, as like the surroundings, but had a huge wooden door around 2 meters in length.

" Hey Willia, don't run! "

Zirco gave a wryly laugh as he chased after me. Wow, what an actor. Despite being a Ninja, he was perfectly acting as a gentle and stylish father. No one could find any fault with the Intelligence Corp when he could act till this extent.

Eh? Me? I threw my embarrassment to the floor. To the me who had been through the baby period, this was nothing. Haha, yes, this was nothing. Once I could throw my embarrassment away, my acting became pretty good.

" Kay! "

I pushed the door but it was too heavy for me to move it... was what I acted out. To the cheat-me, I could easily crushed the door without using much strength but for an 8 years old young girl, the door would pose a problem.

As I busied myself with the door, Zirco-san caught up with me and easily pushed the door open. How cool. Despite being a ninja, he sure was refreshing. [TN: As in cool, a fine man.]

I looked up at him with a slightly sullen face and our eyes met. I don't really want to see him question me 'Hm?' with a gentle smiling face. Damn it, you ninja. Why can't you say degozaru or seisha and be done with it?! Ikemen all explode!

As if ignoring my inner voice, Zirco-san went ahead and entered the inn, his water-blue hair swishing, thanks to the wind. By the way, Buu-san was waiting behind me as he was the guard after all.

Controlling my mouth to stop tsk-ing, I chased after Zirco-san, only to find him already at the reception.

" Welcome to the Matilda Inn. "

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