Chapter 143 - What Would Happen To Hattuo? (Part 2)

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And the former Hattuo Emperor continued his crazy laughing for a while. I really wondered what was it that was so amusing to him. Or was he shocked into turning crazy?

In any case, I did heard how people would go crazily laughing if they were to be exposed to something too shocking that pushed it out of their boundary of acceptance.

As for me, I simply waited in silence until the former Emperor stopped that crazy laughter of his. No matter how I looked, he just didn't look sane at the moment. It was better to leave him be, than to make the matter worst by interfering.

No, not that I was running away from it or anything!

And finally his laughter ceased. I resolved myself and opened my mouth. I already had the King's permission to do whatever I wanted so I was not going hold back. I did had a lot of things I wanted to tell him, as well as many questions for him. Although I was a bit worried if his brain was still working normally or not.

" Er, erm. "

Please keep the matter about me stumbling over my words a secret, yeah? Despite just crazily laughing a few moments ago, none of that previous expression could be seen as he looked at me with an expressionless face.

Somehow, it was really vexing. I don't really want to say it but that change in expression was frightening. To think I was afraid of someone whom was caught and locked up in this room. Though caught, as expected of an Emperor.

" Why did you lifted your hands against the forest? "

But I was not one to be deterred. As an adult, a noble, my resolution was strong. I was actually quite furious at him for doing that but to prevent losing myself to my emotions, I gave my all in maintaining the poker face I had on. Making use of the advantage a child had, I had on a harmlessly smiling face. And this expression was my default expression (poker face). My aim was to look like a normal-average-always smiling child who was actually awesome and sly.

Hey, I had an average face so I had to used it to it's fullest, right? Ta-dah, behold the new me. It was so new that I wanted to add a 'star' mark next to my name. Te-heh.

At my direct line of questioning, the former Emperor grinned, just like how those villains grinned when they saw chests of gold they stole / bribe from others.

" For the expansion of my nation as well as reinforcing it. I believe any ruler who ruled over a nation would want that, don't you? "

He said confidently as I continued staring at him. It shouldn't be just this. I was pretty sure he had a deeper reason for doing it.

" You should be clear that there will be divine punishment should you ever lift a hand against the forest, don't you? "

With that smiling face, I threw the question back at the former Emperor, who faltered for a moment.

" .....I did know beforehand that demon beasts would pour out once the trees are touched. But I too, know that the ones who would be in trouble would be Elzmu.

In that case, I thought there was no need to hesitate. "

" Just that? In that case, why did you not execute this plan from the start? "

" That was because I need time to gather information about Elzmu's strength. "

" So you knew all about about our war strength? "

" Yes, which is why we started advancing, "

My smiling face and the former Emperor's expressionless one. I cannot read anything from it. His answers were all plausible and there weren't any thing wrong with it. But I caught onto that small moment of silence he had before he started answering.

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