Chapter 139 - Drawing Near

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Zen's face, after confirming my presence, lit up brightly. The happiness radiating from his body just looked like a dog welcoming his mast.... cough cough. I shouldn't look at a good friend of mine in that light. Yep.

I looked at Zen, who, for some reason, sat down as he stared at me in happiness. His legs must had given away by the feelings of relief I guess, since he looked pretty desperate just a moment ago. There's no helping it. I gave a tiny sigh as I held out my hand.

" Well, shall we get going? "

Taking hold of the grinning Zen, it was when I pulled him up. My [cheat] hearing caught some noises. Bang bang. It sounded like something heavy was striking something. Wait a minute. I heard of that noise before. It sounded just like how an ax was used to cut down trees... no, not sounded like.

I narrowed my eyes and stared at the direction to the north. That direction where the [Demon Forest] was. All the previous assumptions about how Hattuo would invaded Elzmu and started a war was so naive.

" This is bad.... Something is coming! "

Grabbing Zen's hand, I started running.

" Zen, where's your father right now? "

" The Adventurers Guild.... "

" Perfect timing. Let's go! "

" Eh? "

At this speed we won't be able to make it. Ignoring the perplexed Zen, I got hold of his waist and lifted him up like that. What a perfect strawbag-carrying motion.

Doing a princess-carry was way too embarrassing I guess. Putting speed as the priority, this was the best method. You were welcome to cry at how considerate I was.

I continued on as I asked Zen for the directions. There was no need to fly through the streets and caused unwanted panic since there was no difference whether I ran or fly.

" What's going on Zen? "

" The neighboring One-san was kidnapped by a suspicious person...! "

I asked about the matter as we moved. Zen then spoke of his troubles in a heavy voice. He must be panicking a little, hearing how his voice was trembling. No, I am not hearing any opinion that said that it's the speed I was going at that caused that tremble instead. This was the best speed to reach our destination in the shortest amount of time.

But... I see, his neighboring One-san. Looking at his desperate look, that One-san was not just a normal neighbor to Zen. Maybe they grew up together, or was even Zen's first love or something.

The word raijuu flashed past my mind but now was not the time. I can think about that after all this was over. If what I thought was correct, something terrible was about to happen. Carrying Zen and running to the best I can, we finally reached the Adventurers Guild.

" Father! "

After putting down strawbag-Zen, he rushed towards a depressed-looking uncle immediately. That uncle seemed like he was Zen's Father. Zen's father had a look of a badass craftsman and compared to the cute and childish looking Zen, they looked nothing alike. But then. Looking closely, it seemed like Zen had inherited that curly hair from his father. Oh right, there was no perming machine invented in this world yet.

And a Knight-like man standing next to the curly-haired uncle had a look of relief as well. Looking at his armor, he seemed to be one of the White Knights.

But immediately after, his face grew stern as he narrowed his eyes and glared at the [Demon Forest]'s direction. That confirmed my suspicions. As I thought, something happened within the [Demon Forest]. And it looked like the territorial lord knew about it.

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