Chapter 069 - Cast Aside Shame When Traveling (First)

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TN: Surprise! I wanted to finish the last digest chapter but it seemed to be the exact same thing as 'Zelda's troubles' so I skipped it.

So here's the 1st chapter of the new arc! Enjoy~

Sorry I had it delayed a day. My fever is getting worse.... Damn it.

The horse carriage rattled.

Without realizing it, we had passed the streets and was traveling along the seemingly endless stretch of grassland. The warm rays of sunshine made a perfect atmosphere for a nap but unfortunately, my situation did not allow me to.

" Ouch..... ouch...!! "

That beautiful grasslands that just screamed 'This is nature!' were of course, not man-made. Which meant the horse carriage was swaying to its fullest on the unpaved road.

Was there a time where I had hated the smallness of my body as much as when I rode a carriage? None.

Every time the carriage shook, my small and light body jumped. It was as amusing as you thought. Buu-san, who was acting as the coachman was still all right but looking at Zirco-san, who was sitting snugly opposite of me, with his eyes closed, caused a wave of murderous intent over me.

Damn it. I don't wish to be fat but I really want some weight right now. I want to start planning a weight-up program right now.

No, wait a minute.

Not weight, just the bouncing. What was wrong with the bouncing? Easy. My butt, my bottom, my gluteus maximus hurts from all the bouncing. Very very much so.

You see, what goes up have to come down. When I bounce, I have to land.

" ......This is stupid. "

I found myself getting depressed after I-don't-know-how-many hours of continuous bouncing. It might be better to find a way to get rid of this pain.

This rugged, adventurer-look carriage, with its rough wooden seat that was simply covered with a sailcloth was dealing a lot more damage than the exquisite carriage Nobles rode in.

This is going to be useful in the future. Failure is the mother to success. Need is the mother to inventions.

As I stared at the moving scenery from the opening at the back of the carriage, I floated above my seat.

Somehow, I felt a hot gaze from Zirco-san but it must be my imagination. The sigh must be my ears hearing things too.

He must be thinking ' Why did you only think of it now, you idiot? '. How rude! What are you saying to an innocent 8 years old?!

And there I was, raging by myself.

But I was sure I guessed it 80%. Yep. All within my brain. By myself. I am not lonely!

My speculation if the [Shadow]'s base would be in the [East Demon Forest] was shot down by John-sensei at Mach speed. It was overthrown easily. That gaze, the way he said it. Moreover, the way he ended it by stroking my head gently! I hated myself who had no comeback and could only looked up to him!

I am still young. 'I will grow as tall as the trees and leave John-sensei in the dust!' I vowed in my heart.

Anyway, it seemed that the history of [Shadows] was older than the founding of Elzmu. It seemed, because no one had ever seen the [Shadows] in action. It was when the details of the case was checked that people noticed that it might be the work of [Shadows].

Right now, this continent had 4 countries but Elzmu was only founded, very suddenly, around 200 years ago. The 3 older countries were Hadazerl at the West, South mercantile nation Dyuvu and North Hattuo Empire. Although they did have traces of overstepping each other but it was difficult to think that they would go out of their way to build a hiding place at such a dangerous place. Plus it was highly unlikely that they would move around [East Demon Forest] as according to their scope of activities.

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