Chapter 074 - Retaliation Against Grousil (Last 02)

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TN: Sorry for the lateness! Been enjoying the new year.

It was around evening. The streets were preparing for it as the shops started closing up and people were preparing firewood for their homes. It was like clockwork for them, as the orange glow began to disappear.

From that main street, there existed a back alley, a straight line from the main street. And in there, a small run-down house could be seen. But it was actually a huge magical tool that had an elaborate magic circle drawn in it. There was a reason why it was hidden there, and concealed to such an extent.

Shadow House. The base for the [Shadows].

Around 200 years ago, it was filled with [Shadows] but their numbers declined as the years went by and the numbers of their direct descendant could be counted on one hand.

And the basement of that base was a special place that controlled the penetrating cold that was a characteristic of Hattuo. Here, magical tools were assembled. Surrounded by a ring of tools stood 1 person.

He had not looked outside for god-knows-how-long but by going by his body clock, he knew it was around evening. This person was Spinel.

Spinel had been a [Shadow] for a long time. He had killed numerous people and numerous of his comrades had been killed. His hands had ended countless lives. Although Spinel was the son of the previous head of [Shadows], he did not inherit the position. The leader needed to have leadership, assassination skills and high mana. Most of all, to have the darkness attribute.

Spinel, who suppressed others in his abilities of the above, began making full use of his talents. But, there existed a wall even to the king of the underground world.

The King of Elzmu country, and its Duke. There had been multiples requests from the Silver Knights' Leader but he rejected them all. To begin with, the way to establish a contract with the [Shadows] was them contacting the other party who desired to use them, and not the other way. They would never entertain those who came to them.

No, once. Just once did he entertain the other party.

And was beaten at his own game.

He never expected it. To Spinel, who was the leader at that moment, it was his first loss. It was a crushing defeat. No matter how skilled one was at martial arts, the art of assassination was another thing altogether. Firstly,《影》was cast and with his figure and with his presence hidden, he would sneak up to his opponent. Just that, and his opponent would die without knowing what had happened.

[TN: Kage, Shadow]

Even without that method, there were still hidden weapons and poison. It would be unimaginable to lose as the [Shadows] swordsmanship was totally different from the Knight's.

Even so, he was noticed. And above all, nothing worked.

For the first time in his life, he wavered. Be it the fact that he was discovered despite being a [Shadow] or he already knew the result in his heart. And after that, he headed over to Hattuo to hide without turning back.

The enemy was too strong. What could he do against an enemy whose [Shadows] technique, that had been passed down for generations, did not work against? In the old times, [Shadows] lived in Hattuo. It wasn't sure if they were in this business in that time but [Shadows] had deep roots in Hattuo's history.

He came to know that the Emperor was aiming for the land of Elzmu and was viewing them as an obstacle. In that case...

He had first approached the Emperor, thinking of using him but now, he wondered if that had been the correct decision. He couldn't be sure but at least, he was not regretting having made that choice. The one he approached, whom he had wanted to use as a pawn, was a real ruler.

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