Chapter 052 - May Festival (First)

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It had been 3 weeks since I lost control and made a maid uniform. May came and most of the Icris had fallen, leaving only the leaves. The new green leaves had the feel of both Spring and Summer as they swayed about in the cool breeze. May was definitely in full presence here. After this, it is June, the start of the rainy season as well as the attack of humidity, which is not something easy to endure.

I really had no idea where the wind came from considering where Elzmu is located. Elzmu is really similar to Japan, having all 4 seasons as well as the annoying rainy season. But as the reason the rain managed to extend all the way over to Elzmu was something I really cannot figure out.

Previously, when I raised this question to John-sensei, I was instead bombarded with questions from him. That was dreadful. I was exhausted from explaining everything from what a cloud was to how they were formed. I was totally taken advantage of. But since he was listening with eyes sparkling like a child, it was all right, I guess.

Ah, my bad, I got derailed. In short, it was May now, the month for the May Festival. The entire class was caught up in the festival mood as we prepared for it. That included me, who stayed behind after lessons to prepare.

By the way, even if it was called the 'May Festival', that was only because it was held in May. The rest of it was totally similar to a school festival in Japan, with one day, 31st May, being opened to the public as well.

31st May.... I can't help but grinned broadly when I heard that. It was a pun known by any Japanese.

Gogetsu Sai... snickers.

[TN: May Festival is Gogetsu Sai, while 31st May can also be read as Gogetsu Sai.]

Oi, come out here, the one who said it was stupid. I am very fond of any pun, lame and stupid jokes! ....Ah. I admitted that it was stupid.

Let's ignore all that, yep. Time to return to the main topic.

We, white house 1st year, had been arguing about which of the classics we should do, the haunted house or a play. After compromising, we had decided on a horror play.

What was this half-hearted attempt? Onii-san would really like to try harder at the discussion. But this kind of discussion can be considered to be a training ground for my young classmates so I endured and kept silent.

I am really admirable, am not I?

The theme of the play would be splatter-horror.

As I cannot ignore their pleas asking if I knew anything related, I began telling them the most horrifying story I had heard throughout my 17 years on the earth. Hehe.

It was really splatter-horror, that story. You know, that famous one? The grandpa and grandma one.

――――――The Tongue Cut Sparrow.

Yes, I shall repeat it again, this story was the one of the biggest trauma I had from my childhood.

Ah, but since sparrows do not exist in this world, I changed it accordingly.

From a grandpa to a meek girl.

From a grandma to a stepmother.

From a sparrow to the girl's contracted beast, Ochyon.

As for the name, I had arranged it into something familiar in this world. There was a feel of collaboration between the 2 worlds but I ignored it.

The ending was set as being able to hear a painful wail from the stepmother every night. By the way, I am cast as the monster that jumped out of the box when it was opened by the stepmother. I am quite troubled by it. It was painful, being cast as such a cool character with such an average face.

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