Chapter 096 - Return My Feelings!

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Hearing the chirping from the birds, I knew it was morning. My eyes opened at the same moment I was thinking that as my consciousness awakened.

" Morning chirps... "

I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes.

.....That's wrong. The meaning was slightly different. Yep, I knew that. Unfortunately, regardless of the previous life or this, it was something I had not experienced before.

[TN: Explanation time. Raws are chu chu from the birds. Morning chu, raws's asa chu, means a morning kiss after sharing the night. ]

Rising up slowly, I stretched my arms, warming up my body. Since this body was still young, there was no stiffness whatsoever. It was just that I was used to doing it.

By doing this, I felt like my head too, was clearing up from the muddiness from sleeping, not just my body. I suddenly thought of something as I was climbing down from the upper bunk without making a sound.

Here, the White Wind Dormitory.... or rather, dormitories inside Phyllis Academy were situated right in the center. And in this academy, magic was being taught. Which meant, the academy was sound-proof. Explosions that could not be simply covered by thick walls as well as the previous incident where my summoned beast destroyed the classroom, the noises were all prevented from leaking outside. This was, of course, something to be expected since the academy was inside the Capital.

See, strange right?

Why could the soft chirping of the birds be heard? How particular.

" Well, then. "

While I was thinking all that, I had finished changing as well as washing my face. I then slowly tip-toed, before taking a deep breath.........


I yelled, right into Zen's ear.

" UWAHHHHH!!!??? "

A loud bang was then heard, as Zen crouched down, hugging his head. Glancing at him, I nodded, satisfied.

Mission complete.

This way he would be fully awake. Eh? What, I'm mean? Although stones were about to be thrown at me for not using a gentler method, this was the gentlest method. You see, this guy, Zen, he just can't wake up.

Just to mention, he wouldn't wake up even if you kicked him. It was that bad.

Eh? No no no, it was not that I kicked him before or something. I won't ever do such a horrible thing, you know~ I will never do such a horrible thing such as kicking him to see if he could wake up or not, you know~

Plus, he would be late and missing breakfast if not for me. The way to solve the dilemma was this method. Yep, can you feel my love for going through all this instead of just leaving him?

I was really quite reluctant to use my strengthened voice too.

" Ouch.....Will, please stop waking me up this way..... "

Even though there was a creature with tears in his eyes and looking up at me, I felt no guilt whatsoever. Oi, you. Why were you sitting there like a girl as you massaged your head while trembling? It made me looked as if I was the bad guy! I won't apologize!

......Maybe I went a little too far. Maybe.

Since there was no helping it, I pointed to the clock hanging on the wall without changing my expression.

" .......Crap! It's already this time?! "

It had only been a few seconds since Zen lay eyes on the time but he had already stood up and stripped naked. Oh!? What just happened? Zen just stripped in a speed even my eyes cannot catch up.... Not to mention his movement were a blur, like it was drawn in a gag manga?! Even that 3rd generation thief would be surprised at that speed! Zirco-san would even cry! Zen, when exactly did you learn this skill?

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