Chapter 044 - Quiet Yet Noisy

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That night.

It was so noisy that I woke up. But once I woke up, the only sound I could hear was Zen snoring. The dormitory was silent as well. Why did I think that it was noisy? Could it be a dream….?

There was no way to get an answer anyway. Oh well, it was most likely to be a dream. I would like to keep this from delving into horror.

But now I am awake.

There was no sense of sleepiness at all.

” ……….. ”

Now I had loads of free time on my hands. No I cannot go back to sleep. For some reason, my body started getting restless and my head was still filled with questions so I decided to take a walk.

The ladder creaked when I climbed down. Since when did it start creaking? Holding my breath, I took great care as I climbed down. Reaching the floor, I put on my shoes and slowly ran out.

At this time I would always think of a phrase.

Every step you take, lift silently, step softly, like a ninja. [TN: Took liberty with this. 一歩踏み出すたびに、抜き足、差し足、忍び足。Ippo fumidasu tabini, nukiashi, sashiashi, shinobiashi. Basically, stealthy steps.]

Come to think of it, we used to change it to ‘lift silently, step softly, walk drunkenly, hahaha. After laughing while reminiscing, I am currently repenting about it. Walking in a room without switching any lights on while laughing, I am like the most suspicious person right now!

By the way, that main point for that joke was to stumble exaggeratedly on the 3rd step.

《暗視》[TN: Anshi, Night Vision]

I cast my magic chantlessly. This is a very useful magic. It allows people to see without the need for any light so it was the ideal magic for lazy people. Ah, this world had no electricity in the first place so I had to change lights to a lamp-like magic tool.

Walking down the corridor in total darkness, I climbed up the stairs and passed the lobby. Once there, I saw a person crouching down at the sofa area.

That person was trembling and muttering something at the same time. I wonder what was wrong….? Worried, I got closer to her.

” ……so noisy, freaking noisy! Shut up! ”

That person who stood up shouting was the elf who skipped her self-introduction by being angry at that time.

Now, what did I do? If my ninja steps were being complained as too noisy then I can’t even breathe, can I? Hmm, that’s not it. She should not notice me being here in this darkness. But there was only me in this lobby right now.

――――――――Who or what was she yelling at?

As I continued watching her, she squatted down again.

At the self-introductions, she was clearly showing her anger at her surroundings. And me, who saw that….. Yes, at that time I felt that her anger ‘was not directed at us’. And now, thinking back, either her head was wired wrongly or she can see something we cannot.

I strongly want to believe that it was not the former. Let’s go with the latter. I decided to speak up.

” Are you okay? ”

The girl jumped at my voice. Trying not to scare her, I chanted.

“《光》” [TN: Hikari, Light]

Because having a guy suddenly appear right next to her in darkness was a standard in horror movies. The light ball that appeared bathed the lobby in a soft light.

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