Chapter 061 - Report & Departure

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TN: Yes, I was working on this chapter yesterday but I grew tired of it half-way so it's delayed another day.

There is a price to fast chapters, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough

" Abi's mana was tremendous. According to what I can gauge, it's over Father's. "

I ended with that conclusion for my report to the King as he groaned.

" Gion? How can it be, his mana level is 999. "

" That's right. "

The King, whose elbows was propped on the table as he hugged his head, directed his gaze at me. And when he heard my answer, he groaned again.

" To tell you the truth Will, it's quite impossible to believe you. "

Of course, if I was the King I would not have believed me either. It was just the words of an 8 years old, plus in this world, which mana averages at around 100~150, no one would believe that Abi's mana level was higher than my ridiculously out-of-the-norm father.

Again, I was just 8 years old. 8 years old kids (usually) have only about half of an adult's mana level. They would had fainted the moment they were hit by Abi's mana.

At my matter-of-fact way of speaking, the King stared at me in amazement.

" Can it be.... but... of course.... Erm, Will's mana is... "

The King mumbled.

I smiled in return.

" I understand, it is difficult to believe even for me. Would you mind if I show you? "

A question mark appeared on top of the King's head but he nodded. There was no need for worry as there were no one around. According to the mana the King let out just a moment ago, I was pretty sure his mana level was around 800.

So I let out just a bit of mana. It was not to the point of how many percent I was letting out but really just a little.

But, the King's expression changed.

" ....!!? "

The door which we entered from, rattled. The lock was a tool that opened upon reading the registered mana. That was why it was able to feel mana flowing and most likely, after reading mine, it overloaded its capacity.

Glancing at the door, I smiled at the King who raised his voice. Noticing my smile, his eyes opened wider. Then, I gradually stopped the released mana and with an image of rewinding, I returned it back inside.

" ....perhaps.. "

The King said, feebly.

" Yes, Abi had about that amount of mana. "

" Erm~...... Your Majesty? "

I asked the frozen King in front of me. The King then gave a small jolt, as if he finally returned back to reality.

" Hmm. ....That is.. troublesome. "

He said, squeezing that line out and I nodded.

" Yes. The summoner's mana is unfathomable. Plus, even if it's a summoned beast, it managed to infiltrate Phillis Academy which had a barrier up. "

" Indeed, to enter without breaking the barrier.. "

" Yes. It would be appropriate to think that there is someone who guided them in. "

" What about you, Will? What do you think of this? "

Asked the King, who had calmed down, as he looked straight at me. I was surprised. To ask an 8 years old for his opinion.... Though I was the party concerned and it might be thanks to me being Father's son. Accepting the reason, I began to put my thoughts together.

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