Chapter 108 - Shou's Grandpa

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" What are you doing.... "

An old man who was about 60, said, looking stunned.

The youth, who was spoken to suddenly, jumped. He then turned around slowly and timidly.

" I'm...erm... "

The youth's eyes wandered as he was about to explain, but then his wandering eyes met the old man's stunned ones and his voice went lower and lower until it sounded like he was muttering to himself.

During this entire time, the youth's eyes were wandering around, as if tracking a fly which only he would see. But unluckily, no one noticed. Why? Because that youth was...

" You look very suspicious, with that sunglasses and mask covering your face.... I won't be helping if you are reported to the police. "

The old man's shoulders slumped, as he gave a long deep sigh. Yes, the youth carrying a satchel coming back from school..... his own grandson, had his face covered with a large pair of sunglasses and a mask. He couldn't even get angry at him.

As for that, the old man knew the reason for the youth's action. He took on the responsibility to help the youth and yet this told him that his help was still not enough, thus the shoulders slumping. But the biggest problem was the youth's way of thinking.

" Ah don't worry, Katsuo-san. I look at most 4th grade, so people would think that I am just playing around. "

The old man.... Katsuo, sighed again. The timid youth had replied with a very rational answer. To make matters worst, he had both of his thumbs up in a 'good' pose.

All this from a 3rd grade boy.....

Katsuo felt like sobbing. He had no idea where his idiot son had gone to but if his son was to ever appear in front of him, he had the confidence to punch him till his arms stretched. Until he can't even raise a white flag. Since his son was a weak man who might even faint once from that.

As Katsuo kept on cursing his idiot son in his heart, it also allowed him to feel blessed to have at least his grandson by his side.

" Are you planning on doing that even when you go on to the 5th grade? "

" ....Ah. "

Katsuo asked, his voice mixing with a sigh and his grandson, Shou, exclaimed softly. It seemed like Shou hadn't thought that far ahead yet. Katsuo was relieved that he was still child-like in this aspect.

Thinking about everything in front of him was how a child acted.

Thinking about what the future was was how an adult acted.

When Katsuo was around Shou's age, he was playing tricks on everyone, causing a lot of troubles. He did get scared when he was pointed at with a gun when he ventured over a foreigner's fence....

Anyway, children should be playing around, pulling pranks and running around with their snot hanging from their noses. At least that was what Katsuo thought.

" And? Why did you cover yourself up like this? "

He asked, as they walked down a corridor. Shou, with his sunglasses and mask still on, followed behind Katsuo.

" ....T..To prevent getting sick. "

After a long while, Shou answered with a trembling voice. Katsuo can't see Shou's face as he was walking behind him, but Katsuo knew he was pulling quite a bitter face.

" This... seems to be quite serious. "

Katsuo said to himself.

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