Chapter 028 - What Should I do?

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TN: And we are back to Will’s POV for those who prefer him.

With folded arms and a meek face, there was a child looking at the 3 collapsed men on the floor.

Yes, me.

And so… What should I do with them?

I let out a deep sigh.

The part where I discovered intruders, returned fire and bound them up was all good. But now, no matter how I waited, Father was still not back yet.

There seemed to be trouble at work so Father might not come home tonight. Mother too, while attending her cousin’s tea party, had decided to stay overnight. Day trips were normally difficult here since cars and trains did not exist.

… What a convenient world we lived in…

How awesome it was, to be able to do it without magic.

… Maybe next time I shall create a car run by magic…

Oops, I digressed.

Anyway, the possibility of Father returning today was extremely low. And I had no idea when John-sensei would return… I wanted to ask about how we should deal with them but now it looked like I was trapped in this extremely troublesome situation.

What was this coincidence that all 3 of them were out! God’s idea of a prank?

” ………..? ”

Suddenly, I felt uneasy.

This felt like too much of a coincidence…. No, it couldn’t be.

I shook my head, but my suspicions refused to go away, and with that, escalating unease.

What if it was not a coincidence…?

I might just be thinking too much. It might be because of the confusion about this troublesome situation.

But… what if it was not a coincidence?

People came for Father in his office.

But in this house we had Father, the strongest in the country, my unpredictable Mother and John-sensei, who was employed by the royal court.

No one in their right mind would lift a hand against them. Which was why they would fake an incident to lure out Father, arranged it to meet with Mother’s day out. And John-sensei……what about John-sensei?

I stared at the 3 people, bound and passed out. When I first saw them, I had thought about how ninja-like they were. And that was because they were fishing around for documents.

Which meant, someone wanted the information Father had gathered.

I thought my suspicions were stupid and wanted to shake them off but the facts seemed to be fitting together perfectly, just like pieces of a puzzle.

…. The one who called John-sensei out was the Veltor House.

It’s no good, this was the only piece that did not fit…

……What was inside Father’s documents? The other day, in the middle of a lesson, John-sensei said.

” The current Emperor is the one with an outstanding ability even among history. He is currently looking for a way to clean out all rotten garbage lurking in this system. I really hope he can get it done soon. ”

And Father had been gathering information about the Veltor’s. Which meant, Veltor House was the part of the anti-kingdom faction and concluded that the information Father had gathered was detrimental to them.

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