Chapter 043 - Zelda's Troubles

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TN: And another one. Just cause I am darn curious about Will’s school days and it haven’t even started yet.

And I have to give thanks to whomever who update this novel page in novelupdates! Is it a bot or a real person who update those? Anyway, thanks! This is for you.

AN : This time, this is written like a interlude.

Somewhere, a guy was trembling.

” Oh man… ”

It was a tiny voice that you can never imagined coming from that guy. Hunching over a round table, his eyes was tightly shut as he hugged his head, all dignity forgotten.

Yes, he was Will’s homeroom teacher, Zelda.

A student had been hurt in his care. To think that freak crystal ball that exploded and harmed a student! Right now, Zelda was in anguished and anger about his uselessness and that darn freak crystal ball.

” And to add to everything…. ”

Plus on to the fact that it had to explode when it was the Duke son’s turn. Zelda felt his anger boiling again. The hot-blooded Zelda was never perfect. Young and slightly rough around the edges, he had charmed the Headmaster with his passion and enthusiasm and was given the opportunity to conduct the school entrance ceremony. And just when he had the trust of Headmaster, this incident happened. It was really normal for anyone to get angry.

Zelda depends on this job for his livelihood. Luckily, Will does not seem to mind but the problem lies with the Beryl House. Against the famous-throughout-the-entire-country ‘Gion-sama’, what can a mere teacher do?

Various scenarios ran through his mind as he let out a deep sigh. And it was at that exact moment.


A crisp note sounded, and at that, Zelda jumped straight up.

” Uwah… Here it comes… ”

Making a face as though he had just swallowed a bug, Zelda readied himself. Then, he walked towards a magic tool hanging right next to the wall. The magic tool that just made the sound was something like a pager. It was capable of receiving up to 4 letters.

Ah, although it was not pocket-sized, in this world where science and technology doesn’t exist, to have functions such as this was amazing. And, by this tool, 4 cruel words for Zelda were reflected.

[To my office now]

He really did not want to go. However, this was from the person who hired him, there was no way he could defy the orders from someone that was the top of the school.

Forgetting his angry and being depressed instead, he walked out of his room.

” Ah, take a seat. ”

At the headmaster prompting, Zelda sat on the ridiculously large sofa enough to even sit 4 people, timidly. He was currently in the Headmaster’s office, of course, the ‘public’ one.

The magic tool, that had just called Zelda out to hell, was actually made up of 2 parts. The main and the extension. The extension was for receiving while the main was for transferring. As the main was situated at the ‘public’ Headmaster’s office, if any teacher received a [Come] message from the extension tool hanged at their room, they would naturally head towards the Headmaster’s office.

” I have something important to tell you. ”

Trying his best to calm the trembling gorilla in front of him, the Headmaster gave his best smile. And, once again, he brought tea out of nowhere and placed them on top of a coffee-table like table. But Zelda was too caught up in his own emotions to notice.

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