Chapter 025 - Things I Learned

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As expected, John-sensei is a spartan ‘S’ Megane character.

Sobbing as I finally memorized the book that was passed to me that day, I began to hate Sensei when he came in for class this afternoon.

” Oh? Did I say to memorize the entire book? ”

Don’t feign ignorance-!

Though yes, he never said that. But! Even if he did not say anything, the unsaid pressure was obvious!

I tried my best to put the tiny pieces of my broken heart back together. Normally, one would only start lessons when they were older but my inner age was 20 years old. It would affect my pride if I could not even memorize it.

….Man, this world’s (study) level was ridiculously high..

…Plus, when I heard about Sensei’s research in court and was excited for it..

” Magic? What nonsense are you talking about? Do not make light of it. Please complete your basic studies before asking. ”

Completely stunned, every time I saw that face, I thought I was going to cry.

As Sensei dropped his facade, I, recently, began to drop mine, 3 years old mask, as well.

Ah…Might be thanks to that, I felt that we somewhat became friends… At least that was what I thought.

In these 3 months, I learned about this world’s geography, history, religion, etc.

To my relief, at least the passing of time was the same. A year is 365 days, 1 day is 24 hours. If that was different, it would be hell studying for history.

It had really been a long 3 months… I thought as I snapped the thick book shut. Then, a knock was heard.

” Come in. ”

” Please excuse me. Hello, Will. ”

The one who entered was the rumored John-sensei.

” Eh? Is it the time for lessons already? ”

” Yes, it is. Oh, are you revising? ”

” …Kinda. ”

Wasn’t it you who gave me this homework in the first place?! My reproachful eyes turned towards him for an instant and our eyes met. As the stare was getting scary, I broke it off.

” Well then, since you did revise, here are some questions. ”

” ….Yes. ”

My thoughts might have been read as Sensei spoke up at the perfect timing.

…Sigh, was I too easy to read? I needed to be careful. As a Noble, this was a disadvantage! I clenched my fist, having the motivation in the wrong areas.

” What is the name of this country? ”

” Elzmu Kingdom… ”

In this world, there was 1 discovered continent. The name was Ranaa. It was rumored that there were others.

In Ranaa, there lay 4 kingdoms.

They were nicely separated into North, South, East and West.

North – Hattuo

South – Dyuvu


East – Elzmu.

West – Hadazerl

Elzmu sounded like Azuma [TN: East Japan] so that’s East. Hadazerl sounded like a cross between Left [TN: Hidari] and West [TN: Sei] so I remembered it as such.

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