Chapter 031 - Hey, I Overcame My Surprise

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“《転移》” [TN: You should remember this by now.]

Once we transferred over to the office, I saw the trio were still nicely bound up and flat on the floor. That’s great. That’s really great. I was a little worried about them breaking free. Glancing at Sensei, he had a really surprised expression on as he approached the trio.

” This is… perhaps… ”

His face turned pale as he murmured. He then looked over his shoulder with a force at me, eyes questioning.

” Are all 3 of them restrained? ”

I finally understood why Sensei had such a weird expression on. I had forgotten to inform him that I had bound the intruders up. The bindings were weaved out of my mana and barrier magic and coiled up around them with an addition of gravity magic. Just by looking, no physical object could be seen restricting them.

I scratched my neck and smiled sheepishly.

In a joking sense, I answered ‘Bound by a spoonful of magic and a bit of gravity.’ but I guessed Sensei would not accept that.

I then smiled teasingly.

” Ah, I will explain it all to you later. ”

Shifting our attention back to the trio, whose faces were covered with a black cloth, we looked at each other.

Hmm…. Where should we even begin…?

We could not tell if they had regained their consciousness or not without seeing their faces…

” What should we do? ”

Troubled, I tried to ask Sensei.

” Yes, I wonder what we could do… ”

Sensei answered, with a troubled look.

Oi oi. Why were you no help at all?

…Hah, anyone would be troubled if they were brought into this situation all of a sudden.


This situation would stay stuck forever if we did not know if they were awake or not! I had decided to throw away all of my unnecessary worry. Not only were they intruding into the house, they even attacked me so I was not in the wrong here! In any case, we should wake one up and get some information from them.

You over there, please don’t say I am horrible. To solve this case, I would be as humane as possible. At least I would not be as bad and use a knife as that guy in John Sensei’s case!

Observing the trio, I decided to get it out of Mr. Delicate. In terms of physique, he looked easier to handle.

Just to say, the reason I did not choose Mr. Tall and Mr. Average was not because they looked like mob characters!

I timidly approached Mr. Delicate and took off the hood ――――… our eyes met.

” Ah. ”

I said in surprised.

They looked like Ninja so I willfully thought all of them as guys but it was the face of a beautiful Onee-san under the hood. Although her face was twisted and glaring at me. When our eyes met, she opened her eyes wide in surprised.

…Ah, if I, as an assassin, was caught and the one to come into my sight was a child, I would be surprised too. Relieved, I stood up.

” Ah! ”

Sensei was somehow touching Onee-san’s flank!

Wait wait wait wait wait… What were you doing, Sensei! You could not do these kind of things even if you didn’t have a girlfriend! Even if Onee-san was gorgeous! Even if she was extremely gorgeous!

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