Chapter 068 - Guideline

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" There is no need to use unusable chess pieces. "

Guta grinned.

Spinel nodded, controlling his face to not reveal any confusion at Guta's words. Satisfied, Guta smirked as he slowly said.

" Well then, your last job. I'm relying on you. "

" As you command. "

With that sentence, mana swirled around Spinel and he disappeared from the room. Within the next few minutes, even the remaining mana had dispersed and the only one left in the Emperor's private room was Guta. Adjusting his posture, he reached for the bell and shook it violently.

Things to throw, things to remain and things to add to his hand. Looking at everything, he wondered which the way he would gain a profit and how he would make a loss. This all depended on his ability. Guta smirked to himself and looked outside the window. Another 2 months and the scenery would be dyed white. Even the forest and the grass-covered plains.

What Guta wished for was for the country and his people to thrive and only that.

Spinel felt like cursing and yet despite that, felt refreshed.

What should he do. It was his dream to die while on a mission. That was what it meant to be a Shadow. It was a job that robbed people of their lives so he should lay his own life on the line as well.

He had come a long way by doing that. He knew what he was doing and his logic was deemed wrong by the common sense of this world. Having said that, he had never once thought he was wrong. Which was why he placed his life for this mission too. Rather, he was happy he got to live and die as a Shadow.

But, what about Spinel himself?

He had never hold his life dear but he had this out-of-place feeling that he could never erase and it had accumulated into irritation. He wondered why he felt that way.

As a chess piece for his owner, he thought that the best way was to use his life as a smokescreen to keep the enemy away from his owner. If that would make his owner happy, he had fulfilled his job perfectly.

But then why?

In the end, he can't accept it.

Was this really the best way? Was there no other methods?

Had the enemy already known this much?

No, that's not it. It's simpler.

He could not comprehend it. Even if he did see it with his own eyes.

...........The enemy's power.

He could not accept Williams Beryl's power. He did not believe it. It shouldn't be like this.

He swallowed his words. If he were to say it out loud, his pride as a Shadow would be totally lost.

" How troublesome.... "

.....Even if he died, it might not work against the enemy. He gave a small laugh and stood up to prepare. The human that the perfect Shadow (human) was about to confront was an unimaginable monster.

His owner should know about it.

In the dark room, only Spinel's mocking laugh remained.

" .....Is the development for the Demon Forest prohibited? "

The long black hair. The strangely sexy sigh.

" That's right. I haven't taught you about that, did I? "

Yes, the one standing in front of us was John-sensei. Possessing a muscular body despite being a scholar, a super ikemen despite his level of intellect, long silky hair and glasses, a super 'S' person.

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