Chapter 050 - First Magic Lesson

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TN: THE BIG 50! Milestone reached! I kinda wanna take a little break, lol.

Next milestone : 100.


Today would be my first magic lesson since I came to the academy.

" Today's magic lesson will be conducted with groups of 4! Each group will be given 1 magic tool. Within 3 lessons, I want you to work with each other in your group to learn magic perception! "

Zelda-sensei said assertively, looking around the class.

" Okay, go find your group – NOW! "

With that, the class moved.

As usual, the 3 of us were together as a group.

" What about the last person? "

Zen asked.

" Selphy, do you have anyone in mind? "

As I threw the question over to Selphy, she shook her head vigorously. With her panicked look like she was about to cry, she leaned in close.

" N, no! This is fine! The lesser the enemies the better! "

" What enemies...Let's cooperate with friends. "

I said, my voice strained, and Zen looked at me with a funny look on his face. What's with him? Zen, don't look at your senior with such eyes!

Hm? I am his junior?

I am already 25, going to 30. It was really pathetic to be looked at like that by a 10 year old.

I then suddenly realized.

Could it be....Selphy does not have any friends...?

I finally understand her actions. I messed up. The one who was insensitive was me. To think Zen caught on faster than me... I am ashamed, Zen. Otherworldly kids sure grew up fast. No, it should be me who was useless. I grew slightly depressed, thinking about it and then, I felt someone coming near.

" Can I join you guys? "

The one who asked us was, Mi Sociunnov.

" Sure. "

" No problem~ "

Against me and Zen, who accepted his proposal happily, Selphy was looking at Mi with a strange look.

" We were together as well, on Saturday. "

I said and Selphy showed an accepted yet unaccepting face. As I looked at her, wondering, she moved her gaze away, as to say that it was nothing.

Ah! (Disappointed)

If it was nothing, please don't shift your glaze away!

Ah, whatever, it was better to start over. Besides, there was something else more important at the moment.

" Sure, welcome. But Mi, you sure got lucky. "

I grinned and Zen and Selphy, after understanding my words, grinned too. Looking at the 3 of us, Mi had a question mark floating above his head.

" You get to use the magic tool all by yourself. "

Zen said, happily but that just made Mi even more confused. Then, a loud voice was heard across the classroom.

" Okay, all of you are in a group, yea? I am handing the tools out so come and get them! "

At the ever-energetic Gori-Macho, Zelda-sensei's call, all of us went to the front, where the blackboard was. Everyone's eyes were sparkling, including Zen, excited about learning magic. I had thought that since this world is overflowing with magic, they would treat it as something normal but it seemed like they were moved by the thought of using magic too.

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