Chapter 049 - Flower On Both Hands?

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TN: I decided to changed Selphys to Selphy. ONE MORE.

" Ehhh!!!!? "

A bitter cry spread throughout the cafeteria. It was Selphy. Of course, not even Zen or I can stand it. Covering our ears with our hands, we grimaced.

" You must be joking!? Zen, you're too cunning! "

She said as she jumped up, flushing red, glaring at Zen.

" Wha...what... "

I raised my hand, palm out, towards her, trying to calm her down. [TN: Think Chris Patt in Jurassic World taming the bunch of Velociraptors. ] Selphy, coming back to her senses, muttered that she was not a horse. She then noticed all the stares coming from around her and quickly sat down, embarrassed.

" So? What's going on? Why did the both of you agree within yourselves to skip grades? "

Selphy drew near to me, pressing for an answer. Your face was really close, Selphy. And on it, the words 'Am I the only one being left out?' was written across. No, it might be 'Must be because I am too stupid.'. Anyway, I was in trouble.

" No, it's not like that. "

" Then what is it? "

" It just so happens that both me and Zen had aimed to skip grades from the beginning. "

At my words, Zen nodded hard. It was a 4-seater table, 2 on each side and Zen was the one sitting opposite of me and Selphy. And because of that, Zen pretended not be involved. Thanks to him, I was stuck on the receiving end of Selphy's anger. Damn it. I won't be waking you up tomorrow, Zen.

" Really....? "

Selphy, whose anger had mostly subsided, asked doubtingly.

" Yes really. We both wanted to help our fathers out with their work which was why we wanted to skip grades. "

Like a bobby-head figure, Zen nodded again. Selphy then nodded as well. That's great, she accepted it. She seemed relieved too.

" Then, then! "

Selphy stood up again.

" I want to skip grades too! "


'What's up, what's up' -Stares from all over the cafeteria were beginning to gather over to our table again. Flushed red, Selphy sat down but she continued to stare straight at me.

" ......I got it. "

I said weakly, unable to stand her stares anymore. This girl was really... Where had the meek and gentle girl from the start gone to? There was a bitter smile on my face but I was also happy. Despite seeing me releasing my mana that day and yet still treats me normally made me really glad.

I was hated by girls in my previous life, got hit on the head by a vase and my fleeting and empty life came to an end but it looked like there was hope in this one. There exists a strategy of making good friends when young and turning them into childhood friends!

Childhood friends are not lovers? ......Hmm, it was fine as long as I am not disliked.

That was why, there was no disadvantages in getting along with them. Plus, I am rather happy with the situation right now. Hm, I heard some rude remarks like 'Harvesting rice while it is still green' but it must be my imagination. Haha, it was not that I made friends with them because of this strategy but that I truly do want friends.

" Anyway Selphy, we would need to fix your body constitution first. "

The sound of bread dunking into soup before eating was heard. Ah, that might not be the best thing to say to Selphy the first thing in the morning.

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