Chapter 063 - The Merchant

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After walking around aimlessly, Caralsdoni finally reached the dried river bed. He had endured the itchiness as he had no clothes to change. Plus the fact that he was naked underneath so he can't jump into the river with just his underwear on like he did when he was young.

" Hm...... "

Caralsdoni had been thinking but not before long, he gave up. Yep, there was no other way. Caralsdoni, who reached enlightenment, jumped into the river with his robe on.

" I'll just take this chance to wash it as well! "

He cried in exultant.

Forgetting the bitter reality, he swam. His younger happy days about playing in the river came back to him as he began to play around too.

And it happened when he finally started to get out of the river.

Losing his balance and slipping on a rock, his upper body fell backwards into the river and he hit his head on the riverbed, hard. In a word, he tumbled. Tumbled.

" *Glub glub* "

As he slowly lost conscious, he cursed the god. Oh god, why would you do this to me?! Was it because I sold that vase higher than it was supposed to be? No, maybe it was that carpet? Various things started appearing in his head but it was not the time to start regretting now.

As he fainted, his body drifted down the river.

" Ah! That is.. "

A short and stout bear-liked man mumbled, having seen something from the bridge over the river he was standing on. Or rather, he was a bear.

Ah, no matter, the moment he said that, he leaped off the bridge in a movement that was very different from a normal person. Landing in the river without breaking a sweat, he carried the driftwood-like thing (Caralsdoni) under his arm and leaped out of the river again.

" To think I would be of use here. "

Laying that driftwood(?) down onto the riverbed, the bear said.

" It is... artificial respiration and heart massage, right? "

Saying that, he tipped Caralsdoni's chin up. Yes, it was as you had guessed, he was Buhual-san.

Who is he? Please remember. He was one of the shadows trio that attacked Will 3 years ago.

The moment Caralsdoni woke up had been a nightmare.

He can feel something soft on his lips. His soaked rope was chilly to the touch. The only thing calming him down was the rugged sensation on this back as he gulped down a breath.

.....Something on....his lips!?

He opened his eyes with hope, and the thing that entered his sight was a shaggy, bearded bear-like uncle.

.....Which means..

Caralsdoni touched his lips as he turned pale. Di, did he did it with a man..... He had no idea what the situation was but all he knew was the lingering sensation he had on his lips.

It was- it was a nightmare.....

" Eh, eh, eh, ehhh, ahhhhh, erm... "

His mind was totally in chaos. Throughout his long history as a merchant, he did panic before but even his panicking during his first sale was nothing as compared to now. Jumbled words leaked out of his mouth as he sat there, stunned, and it seemed like he was going to be in that state for a while.

Then Caralsdoni began to recall the situation before he fainted. Smelly, itchy, river..... fell.


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