Chapter 154 - What The Heck Did You Do?!

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Guta-san, who just proclaimed that I looked like an angel, was desperately trying to explained that it was all a misunderstanding and all would be explained once we went back to the church.

" William Beryl-Sama?! ....What would be the matter? "

An Onii-san, who was arranging all the documents, noticed us and was surprised. I would too, be surprised if I saw someone who just left, came right back. Plus, not to mention the fact that Guta-san was the former Emperor while I was the Duke's son. It was rather surprising for anyone to see us coming right back without walking around outside first.

" Ah, nothing the matter. I was thinking of taking a look at the basement documentation room. "

Guta-san said calmly, as if his previous panicking self was all a lie.

" Ah, I see. Although I think there should be nothing to worry about, please be careful. "

" Un. "

" Thank you, Onii-san. "

Properly giving my thanks to the Intelligence Corp Onii-San as well as a smile, we headed into the church.

" If I am not wrong, we should turn left at this room to get to the basement..... "

I opened the first door which was not destroyed by me as Guta-san's line of sight drifted to the left. Lured by him, I too, looked to the left. And saw a door similar to the one I destroyed into crumbs. Using my mana, I detected a long and narrow space, like a corridor, on the other side of the door.

" We have to walk through that corridor to get to the basement documentation room. It should be right after we climb down the spiral staircase at the end of this corridor. "

Guta-san said as he advanced forward. There was no hesitation in his footsteps at all, like it was a place he often frequented. Why would an Emperor of a country knew so much about a church in one of the cities?

" You seemed to be very used to this place. "

I voiced my suspicions as Guta-san gave a bitter look.

" That's because I had been burned by them before. That's why I often visit this place under the disguise of checking how the citizens are doing when what I was doing was to keep them in check. "

" .....So that's it. "

Now I can understand the meaning behind Guta-san's expression. These old men were really running wild, weren't they?

" Plus, it was rumored that the Emperor of Hattuo was chosen by god. And on top of that, during the reign of the First Emperor, there were records about god descending to Center-Tulle, while being accompanied by angels. Sounds to me like an excuse the First Emperor used for being easy on the church though. "

God did?

Hearing that, the image that came to my mind was loads of beard, and that grampa. What was that about him descending? When had such a spiritual, god-lish-like event happened?! By that grampa, or rather, my dad!

It must had been amusing.

I grinned at the absurdity of it as we stepped into the corridor. However, apart from the light at the door, the entire corridor was dark. I wondered if it was because of the wall material.

All the walls before the door was painted in a sickening white color, looking like white porcelain while all of a sudden, the walls of the corridor was made out of stone.

The only light source was a lamp hanging on the wall, emitting a dim glow. A space after the staircase could somewhat be seen.

" It's too dark to really see anything. "

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