Chapter 036 - Enrollment!

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A gentle and comfortable breeze brushed gently against my cheek and tenderly fluttered the fully bloomed flowers around. The highlight was the slightly reddish flowers dancing under the clear blue sky.

One airborne flower landed lightly on top of my head. Noticing it, I smiled as I reached out for it.

” ―――― I see, a fully bloomed Icris. ”

I murmured, looking at the flower petal in my hands. Too bad it was not a Sakura flower.

Yes, today was my school entrance ceremony.

” …..New students, gather over here please!….. ”

The voice could be heard calling from the direction of the school building. I turned my back on the Icris tree, a tree that resembled a Sakura tree, and rushed over.

Young Master Will, do you have everything with you? ”

Mary-san asked helpfully. I declined but she still carried my huge black leather bag for me. Instead of saying she was still as overprotective as ever, it was better to say she was as idiotically doting as ever. She felt more like a grandmother instead of a mother but that was something I would never say out loud even if my mouth had split open…

” Will…. Will… Will-samaaaaaa! ”

The one calling my name over and over while sobbing was none other than Chiffon.

[TN: CHIFFON. To think I had only just met you…]

” What’s the matter, Chiffon? ”

” I am worried about Will-sama. ”

I laughed, looking at the easy-to-understand, hiccupping and slightly shaking Chiffon, who was trying hard to stop crying. She said she was worried but I guessed she was just lonely.

” Wh-.. What are you laughing about!! ”

If Mary-san was not around, I would most likely get beaten up by Chiffon. Pacifying her, I gently stroked her head, which had completely become a habit of mine.

… I was regretting that I was not tall enough…

It’s okay! I still had a bright future ahead of me!

I was in the peak of my growing period right now!

As I encouraged myself silently, I took my coat from Chiffon.

” You have already known this for 1 month, haven’t you? ”

I put my arm through the sleeve of the coat, glancing at Chiffon, smiling.

” Plus it is not like we will never meet again, I will come home during the holidays. ”

” …Even so, Onee-san is worried… ”

Chiffon murmured, head hanging down. I finished putting on my coat and turned to Chiffon, grinning.

” Rather, wouldn’t it be better if you worry about yourself first? ”

” Willl~!! ”

” Hahahah! ”

Laughing aloud at Chiffon, I walked out of my room.

It had been 2 years since Chiffon came. She had grown accustomed to this house and even seemed to have a dream for the future.

To be my private attendant.

My dream was to become the head of Duke class. To become my attendant, apart from having a good rapport, she would need to be able to handle my guests as well as being able to handle herself in various politic events. On top of that, she would need to have the skills to be my personal maid, secretary and bodyguard. Chiffon knew all this and she had aimed to be one.

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