Chapter 137 - He Who Was Relied On

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AN: I did it a little longer this time. Starting from the POV of Manuel (Mi's father, the lord of the Sociunnov Territory).

Having a bad feeling from all the reports about noticing a suspicious group moving about in the north [Demon Forest], Manuel got together a survey team and send them out to the street that had the most eyewitness account.

And from there, there were information about a group of people dressed in rough clothing like bandits but was yet more disciplined than real bandits.

There was also another account of a larger man and his group who moved separately and was staying at the town.

These reports made Manuel's head hurt. The king had already expected these movements and had warned him in advance about what was coming so it was still within expectations. However, it came a lot faster than he expected.

The reason was that they already had more than a hundred years of peace. Why would anyone think that the neighboring country would come attacking all of a sudden without any warning signs? Although Manuel had no idea how the King came across this information but it made him respected the King more.

This King, who inherited the [cheat] blood of the First Founder, who made everyone capable of using magic and building that majestic royal castle, with the country's strongest army had managed to uncovered the biggest classified information of Hattuo. He even managed to hold against a high-position holding [Shadow], who was now destroyed. This made his respect went deeper.

But now was not the time. It was the time to uphold his responsibility for being a Noble. Yes, it was the time for him to be the sword that protected the citizens.

Firstly, he would start by sending a report.

Holding the just finished report in his hand, Manuel walked towards the [Communicator] tool that he had been using quite a lot recently, not to mention it with his son for some reason.

" And I would need to press this... "

Putting the report into the [Communicator], Manuel pressed the button somewhat nervously. Immediately, the tool activated. It was said that when the button was pushed, the tool would 'scan' the document and send it to the receiver, the King.

Manuel had no inkling of how this tool was build but he was taught the usage from the butler when he inherited the position. Ah, anyway it was enough that he knew how to use it.

In reality, no nobles would send just a report over. Thanks to having to wipe up the mess made by the previous generations, Manuel had never bothered with going to those nobles' parties so he did not have much knowledge about the unspoken rules and regulations. And although he was a little fearful about speaking to the King directly, this was an emergency.

Manuel then took the part called [receiver], which the function was to send his voice over to the other side, before pressing a different button. This was the [call] button. And shortly thereafter, ringing sounds were heard from the [receiver].

『 This is King Kesamu speaking. Your matter is? 』

And from the [reciever], the King's baritone voice could be heard. Manuel straighten his posture sub-consciously before speaking. Ah.. He was using this tool in the correct way... right?

" He, Hello. I'm Manuel of the Sociunnov Territory! I am here to report about an emergency! "

He was so nervous that his voice almost broke. If this was not an emergency, he would never thought about talking to the King directly. The few times they talked face-to-face was when there was a court session so he was really not close with the King at all.

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