Chapter 076 - Annihilation & Shame

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His throat was dry. His consciousness was getting hazy. His heart was beating so fast that it hurt. His breathing was ragged and his legs were shaking. Even so, Ivan ran.

All for the sake of his Angel (Willia-chan)!

And when even that strong thought started fading, it happened. When he was somehow chasing after Jill Stuart, who turned around a corner, the sight that Ivan saw was, Willia-chan walking out of a horse carriage-like place with a smile.

"..pant...pant...That's....great... "

The moment he knew Willia-chan was safe, Ivan collapsed. It was his limit. But on his face, a blissful-like smile appeared. He was happy.

But Ivan had no idea that he was about to face despair.

" Yosh..... According to the readout, there are 16 people in here. Hmm.... 4 lookouts and 12 captured... "

As I walked along the dimly lit basement, I used mana detection to get a feel of the place. I was currently putting Zirco-san's magic of erasing his footsteps that I stole into practical use. As for Grousil and his goons, they were tied up by ropes I conjured from my mana so no problem there.

As these thoughts ran through my mind as I walked, I heard noises ahead.

"《影》" [TN: Let's play a game, shall we? Question: What magic is this?]

I mumbled and the magic activated. My figure then melted into the shadows....I think. I heard some mumbling about how I kept stealing other's spells but I shall ignore it. This was not stealing, it's learning.

As I moved on, I saw a worn-out wooden door in front. Yellow lights were shining from the crevices. As I had sent my detection mana ahead of time, it should be where the captured were imprisoned at. And, someone was standing right in front of the door.


" Here we go!! "

I jumped and did a flying-kick at the door. Hey, you there, it's not a pun. Please don't say it's cold. A cracking noise rang out but I paid no heed to it. I was not doing anything wrong.

Eh? I aimed for this? How can it be? There was no way a young boy of 8 years old, filled with a burning sense of justice, did such an cunning deed, right? I was really not thinking of killing two birds with one stone.

Going along with the flow, I punched, punched, punched the man who was the lookout. As he plopped on the floor, the fight was over. Eh? It was too short? How am I to describe a fight that ended with a punch then?

I tied the moaning man up in ropes and smacked it tight for extra measures. The sound resounded within the dimly-lit jail .... not. Why were the people inside the cells trembling...?

" Ah. "

I slapped my hands together as a light bulb lit up above my head. I see! I had forgotten all about it. The me right now was shrouded in shadows and soundproof. Anyone would be afraid if the lookout was punched and flown off by nothing. They must be confused. And maybe developed a fear of the shadows. They must have thought an invisible monster had come.

《解除》[TN: Are we still playing the game?]

Well, that was a pretty half-arsed magic.

As I chanted it mentally, I became visible.... I think. And when I looked over at them, all of their mouths were open wide.

" I came to help. "

I smiled and tried to use the gentlest voice I could but they were still jumping left, right and center from surprise. I know how you guys feel but still, this hurts. Yes it does.

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