Chapter 083 - I Will Not Recognize It As The Destruction Devil

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TN: Well, I hold off from saying that this is going to be a short arc for some reason I can't fathom... This is a short arc.

I had fun reading all your speculations about how Will defeats Demon but guys, just a warning. This is a comedy. This is a comedy. This is a comedy. Important things must be said thrice.

This arc will end with the next chapter. Well, to sum this arc up, it's CROSS DRESSING, Ivan and maybe a dash of The DESTRUCTION DEVIL Demon. Oh, I forgot Spinel but eh, he's not important.

The direction Shadow-guy was pointing at was, of course, the place where the 3 of them were laying flat on the ground, covered by my barrier.

If Zirco-san's words were true, that [God Slaying Sword] Demon was using could cut through anything. This was going to be really problematic.

The barrier I set up would most likely by cut down easily. All the attributes, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and even Void, which didn't even exist got cut/destroyed with that broadsword.

I can escape, but what about the 3 of them?

It went without saying for Ivan-san but I had experience with the aftermath of being bound by the [Collar Of Slavery]. They won't be able to move for a while.

If that Shadow-guy knew about it and that I would release the collars and planned all this in advance, I would admit that he was clever. As one would expect from an underworld specialist. His cunningness was unparalleled.

" Stop fooling around, you bastard! "

" I am not fooling around. Sorry for this late introduction. My name is not 'bastard' but Spinel, the chief of [Shadows]. Please to meet you. "


[TN: Mu. Nothing or Void I guess.]

I cannot do nothing. Everything will end if I do! As he seemed like he was about to launch into a villainous laughter, I had enough time to set up a huge ball of nothingness behind Spinel's back.

Even the so-called Destruction Devil knew that if his summoner died, he would disappear as well so he dashed towards the ball of nothingness excitedly.

Making use of that gap, I rushed over to the 3.

[God Slaying Sword].

A name that was overflowing with chunibyo-ness. As it was the extremely foul aspect of being able to cut anything. And that sword was fast approaching me. The slow-motion world became even slower. I thought I heard screams coming from behind me.

Able to cut anything. I felt like I heard that somewhere before.

[TN: Duh. Every LN ever made?]

I couldn't help but laughed even at this timing. Well, I do not think I can avoid this. In that case.

"《こんにゃく召喚》! "

[TN: Konnyaku Shokan. Summon Konnyaku, a food that has 0 calories. ]

I summoned a huge Konnyaku to appear in front of me. I apologize to the otherworld factory or supermarket or any family that I stole this from.

As I stared hard, so hard that I could burn a hole, at the slowly swinging sword, something shocking happened.

[TN: The slowness was the slow-motion thingy.]

The edge of the blade touched the Konnyaku. It sank in a little and then.....Boing went the weird elasticity of the Konnyaku and the sword was bounced clean off.

" Viva Konnyaku....! "

It seemed like Konnyaku can't be cut in this world as well.

It was my win.

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