Chapter 030 - A Meeting With Despair

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After seeing my magic, John-sensei, who was bursting with interest, somehow managed to suppress his scholarly spirit to have a talk about the events that happened.

” …… And so, I went to look for Sensei. ”

Sparing him the details, I explained how I captured 3 suspicious men fishing for documents in Father’s office. As well as how I came to the conclusion that Sensei might be in trouble and went [TN: Flew?] over to check.

While listening, Sensei pursed his lips from time to time. I guessed he determined that instead of his spirit of study, solving this situation came first. In the end, apart from interrupting to give his thanks for me saving him, he silently listened to my story till the end.

” I will want a clear explanation on how you did everything later… ”

John-sensei said, his sharp eyes piercing.


Please don’t dissect me! I believe in Sensei so please don’t go all mad scientist on me!

…. At least don’t treat me like a guinea pig….?

I trembled, and after suppressing my urge to run away, I invited Sensei to continue.

” As you thought, this had to be the work of the Anti-Kingdom faction. ”

Sensei let out a deep sigh and his face showed a mixture of surprise and worry. His father and brother were most likely weighing in his mind.

Erm, Sensei, your black aura was out in full force! And somehow I could see lighting striking in your background! …. Maybe Sensei ‘s attribute was Thunder? Like a certain rat?

…. It felt like lighting would strike if Sensei was truly angered…

As I waited timidly, Sensei gasped his shoulders suddenly. As if he was trying to regain his balance.

” But first… ”

He looked straight at me.

” In the future, you will refrain from such dangerous behavior right? ”

Sensei said, his face full of smiles.

… This was definitely not a question…

I replied at the speed of light.

According to my 21 years of experience, 17 in the previous world and 4 years here, I took the stance that was the most effective in situation like these. I lowered my head and apologized.

” I am so sorry! I will not do it again! ”

―――― That’s right, to earnestly apologize!

It.. It’s not because Sensei was terrifying. Most definitely not. Just that, you see, to get this thing done in the fastest way possible was to compromise.

” … Hm, I will take you for your word. ”

Looking at the unconvinced Sensei, I panicked and tried to changed the subject.

” I.. I am not worried about Father but what about these intruders? ”

… It was not only to divert Sensei’s attention. I earnestly thought about the safety and public order of the residence. And the best way was to get this incident solved as soon as possible. Yep.

And it must be my imagination that Sensei just looked at me with amazement.

” That’s right… It is useless to speculate here. Let us meet with them first, shall we? ”

I had no reason to reject Sensei suggestion and so, after agreeing, we teleported back to the office. I had called it as ‘Teleportation’ but in this world, it was just a normal spell that ‘Transfer’. That thought crossed my mind when I chanted the spell to teleport us both and John-sensei understood.

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