Chapter 064 - To Know When To Give Up

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3 years ago.

Buhual and Bibinyaru, who attacked Will and got the table turned on them instead, were originally merchants before they were turned into Shadows.

Although they were not to the ranks of Caralsdoni, they were still merchants who lead a large caravan and were making money from the trades between Dyuvu and Elzmu.

The 2, who just got out of the Demon forest, were captured by the ambushed bandits and sold as slaves due to them being Beastmen but in reality, they possessed quite a bit of strength. They were strong enough to pass through the Demon Forest with minimal number of guards.

When passing through the forest, they were attacked countless times by demon beasts, thieves and bandits. To remain alive after all that proved their strength and how many they had killed. There were many times where they faced death.

Which were why.

Brainwashed into Shadows, they killed many innocent people and the guilt gnawed at them. The guilt that hanged over Buhual might be even deeper than Chiffon. Which was why he did not seek death like her. To him, he had a place he had to return to and things he had to protect.

Just because he was forced to do the thing he did, did not make it right. Nor did he think that he would be forgiven. He understood that painfully. But he had something he needed to do which was why he had to continue on.

You might think it was stupid. You might think that he was just adding on to his sins.

And when he was released from the Slave Collar, he was assaulted by nightmares over and over. The guilt tortured him and caused his whole body to tremble. It was something he could never forget. He had not expected to be forgiven, nor did he pray for forgiveness. But even so.

Now, he would instinctively save anyone's life if he could. It might be to repay for him being saved, or his feeling of just wanting to help. Or even possibly to remind himself of how fortunate he was right now by looking at their plight. He did not think he would be forgiven, and yet he realized that he was somehow trying to redeem himself little by little.

And now, Buhual, who went back to being a merchant, started helping anyone who needed it. He learned the art of lifesaving from Will so in a way, Caralsdoni was very lucky.

Ah, but since he was used by Spinel just to gauge Will's abilities, maybe it was better to say that the innocent him who was dragged into this mess to be extremely unlucky.

Buhual, in a half-kidnapped way, brought Caralsdoni back to his house and started nursing the very confused Caralsdoni back into health.

Caralsdoni, who hadn't eaten anything for a few days, was in a malnourished state so Buhual fed him porridge and forced him into bed. By the way, let's keep it a secret that Caralsdoni was trembling with fear when Buhual hauled him over to the bed.

But it was true that Caralsdoni was exhausted. He was forced into this situation all of a sudden but seeing as how he was given food and even a place to sleep, it seemed like Buhual was not out to hurt him. Once he knew that, the highly-strung him just let loose and fell into a deep slumber.

Looking at the deeply asleep driftwood, Buhual let out a sigh of relief. At the same moment, a wave of regret came over him.

What to do?

He did not think through this properly.

Looking at the thing he brought back home with him, he sighed again. This complicates his future plans. Before Buhual started having this people-saving streak, he was a merchant. He had made plans with Bibinyaru to head over to Elzmu to trade spices. And that's the problem. And he cannot leave him with his family. Buhual sighed again.

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