Chapter 057 - Oops, I Summoned It

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TN: It was fun reading all those guesses. Well, since everyone is looking forward to this, here you go!

I also made a mistake for the last chapter. Varino-Sensei was the one staying in class while Zelda-Sensei do the measurement test.

I left the classroom like I was avoiding Varino-sensei's gaze and walked down the corridor with Selphy trailing behind me.

" Come to think of it, Zelda-sensei, what is the difference between Sacred Beasts and Magical Beasts? "

I asked Zelda-sensei, who was walking in front of me. According to Zelda-sensei's script for the play, I faintly remembered that Ochyon was written as a Sacred Beast.

" Nn, ah... Magical beasts attack humans while Scared Beasts don't, that's about it. In general, they often have high intelligence and mana power so you can think of them as beasts that even high-ranking magical beasts dare not attack. "

Sensei turned and faced us as he answered, all the while walking backwards.

" I see... "

Something like the difference between Inari-san and Youkai.

....Eh? Wrong? Then...Zashikiwarashi or ghosts then? Anyway, in short, we need to run upon seeing one.

While I was thinking about that, we reached the venue.


My heart was beating way too fast. I had no mental preparation whatsoever since this came all of a sudden. I really wished they would think about us a little more.

Sensei opened the door, which had a huge 'Special Mana Measurement Test Hall' paper sticking onto it, and urged me inside. Th, there was no choice, I can only enter. My heart rate rose as I felt a deep sinking feeling in my stomach as I entered the hall....or rather, the classroom.

Ah... my heart is racing. Was it broken? I would not possibly break a tool that even the large-scaled guilds used...right? Somehow, I felt like I just raised a flag but I shook that feeling off as I went forward.

When I entered the hall, all eyes were on me as expected. It might be because Zelda-sensei was with me but I could hear " that's the rumored Will... " in the chatter. I wondered if it was just me being self-conscious.

Since there had only been Elves here before, I was the only human around. Maybe that was why I was attracting so much attention. But even my name was known so the incident before must had traveled around.

The special measurement test was for both the lower and middle Academy but somehow everyone knew. Things like nicknames....or that so-called 2nd name was being attached to me.

Hey, I can hear you, you know. Uwah, I feel like puking.

.....Please stop with the 'Umbrella Prince' thing.

Because it's embarrassing.

Because it's embarrassing!

Important things are meant to be said twice.

Th-that time was because someone who was holding an umbrella was just standing right by the window! I had no choice! Please stop with the sarcasm.

Anyway, it seemed like we will be called up for the test one by one. Those who had the test left the hall and the number in the hall began decreasing. In that case I wished I could be the last.

.....Since I raised the flag and all.

In the end, my wish was granted. Only Selphy and I was left in the hall.

" Well, Selphy, come over here. "

Zelda-sensei beckoned towards her. Looking nervous, Selphy stepped forward. I understand. My heart was beating furiously too. If my heart stopped, I would definitely sue Zelda-sensei.

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