Chapter 045 - Development

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AN: Thanks to you, access rate is over 200 thousand!

Thank you so much! Wah! Σ( °△°;)!

I can’t believe—it!


This is all thanks to everyone! Thank you!

Please continue to support me from now on.

This chapter will start from Will’s father POV.

TN: Oh yes, Krebert, thanks for that lengthy advice. I am trying to follow it… trying.

3 years had passed from that incident.

That incident – The one where the Anti-Kingdom faction had kidnapped Will. My blood ran cold that time. But, once I got back to the house, Will had already settled everything using his magic. Moreover in an absurd and reckless way.

My son was really out of the norm.

Transference, Heal, Gravity.

[TN: Remember, the people of this world used transfer instead of teleport]

And he was able to use at least Light and Wind attributes. By his attitude, he may be able to use more than that. No matter what, those were all magic to be feared. And when I asked where he learnt it all, all I got was ” I knew those from the start. “.

I had heard of something like that once before ―――― That magic was actually a language.

The famous tale of the ‘Abandoned Child’ spoke of it. The ‘Abandoned Child’ possesses an incredible amount of mana but that was just a front. The truth was that he was a person who can manipulate the magic ‘language’.

As it was an old tale, there was no way to prove it. But, what I could do was to at least protect Will.

Power, is always poisonous.

Handling it in the correct way will turn it a medicine but the wrong way will turn it into a deadly poison.

It was a deadly poison for Will. If he ever indulges in it, he will lose himself. Plus he is my son, a Duke’s son. Right now he has both the power and the status.

Moreover, that much power will be feared and avoided by people. I was worried, but now, it had become needless.

Even though Will is still young, I had a feeling he knew what he was doing. He was never proud nor went about flaunting his status and power. His actions told me that he knew how scary power can be. In the first place, he did not even tell us about the fact that he could use magic.

[TN: That was because he wanted to wow you. I see that he succeeded.]

The uneasiness and anxiety I felt might be because I was lonely but at the same time, I can’t help but be proud of my son, Will. I wonder if this was what all parents feel.

Thanks to that, apart from my job, I am also seriously training Will, similar to how novice knights train. I started the training as a joke but soon after, we grew serious about it.

Will grew, absorbing everything just like a sponge. The training also became a time I looked forward to everyday. Even if I was surprised at how fast he was learning, in the end it was because it is Will. I cannot even hide my smile now. As Will, with his training sword, was serious about learning, I too, had a plan for him. Frankly, thinking about him being a swordsman alongside me, I might be jealous at his skill then.

This 8 years old son of mine might just be able to defeat a fledgling knight right now.

And that was what we had been doing for the past 3 years.

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