Chapter 101 - Ivan's New Life (First)

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In the dark and humid weather that even flattery cannot save it for what it was, a man was glaring at the sky with a complicated expression. He was not planning to glare, but his face just made it seemed like so. And at that moment, he was trying to give up on feeling sad.

However, simply the sight of him was screaming with a tragic aura. A man used his aura to speak.

" My Willia-chan.....does not exist... "

The man, who spoke like tears were going to spring from his eyes any moment, was none other than Ivan. The man whom Will had mistaken to be filled with justice and truth, the former thug-like Hattuo soldier, Ivan. And that the moment where Ivan was glaring at the sky, Will was in Phyllis Academy having a meeting for the Swimming Tournament.

How empty.

The angel (Willia-chan) who saved him from the sluggish-life was a sham.

.....This loss had sunk Ivan's heart to the very bottom. Even though moving south from the freezing Hattuo had warmed his body, the surprising situation had not been warm to his heart.

He had lost one of the most important things in his life....!

Ivan lifted his downcast eyes up towards the sky again, glaring at it. The important thing in his life had slipped out from under his fingers while he was not paying attention.

" We are reaching the Beryl's territory. "

" .......Yea. "

The person driving the carriage spoke to Ivan. Towards Buu, Ivan gave an empty response, as if life was draining out of him. As Ivan was looking at the sky, all that can be seen was the white of his eyes.


Luckily, no one was around to see this expression of his, otherwise he would lose another important part of his life.

Beryl's Territory.

Ivan's lifeless brain was turning. If he remembered correctly, Willia's real appearance, Will, had said that he was someone from the Beryl's family. So even Willia was a fake name. In the end, he was tricked into allowing her/him to enter Hattuo illegally. But even so, Ivan was not angry at that.

Only sadness as it swirled around in his heart.

She was so cute. Even when he quit cross-dressing and cut his hair short, he was still cute! Damn itー.

Thinking till this point, Ivan fell onto his back. His trail of thoughts went all over the place. Although 'really remarkable' and 'duke' flashed in his brain for an instant, but before he knew it, it became the problem of how cute Will was.

And now, he was like the last time when he was rotting in despair. He had to change before he met up with his angel the next time.

Although now, he was rotting in another way.... he can't. Ivan's guts that hardly ever worked was warning him. Plus, to chase after Will as the fake Willia's shadow was rude to Will.

And Ivan reached a conclusion.

Every crisis was a chance. He was fortunate to be given a chance to change. Was what Ivan thought but it was rather difficult to change his thinking after thinking about his angel (Willia-chan).

It can't be helped. Laying in the carriage, Ivan closed his eyes.

Clip and clop and the horse carriage stopped. Ivan, who was nodding off to that sound, woke up. Shaking his head lightly, he stretched his body.

" Ugah. "

Of course, the one who said that was Ivan. It seemed like he had slept in an awkward position and his neck was locked in a weird position. Buu, who saw Ivan, was stunned. Was he going to be all right? Although he was feeling unease, in a certain sense, ignorance was the strongest of them all. Even if they were on their way to meet the only Duke in Elzmu, he can't see any nervousness from Ivan and he was even groaning from the pain in his neck.

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