Chapter 039 - Welcome Party

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I leave the stunned Mi Sociunnov by his own and walk away. When we are captured by him, the rest of the boarding students already go in. Even though we come first, our time get wasted. What a troublesome thing.

This is my lesson to him. Status is nothing and it would be good for him to learn that. But he seems like a guy who is going to repeat his mistakes. Looking at him, I direct a cold look as though asking if he is that stupid or not.

With that over, Zen and we step into our dorm.

” Welcome, to the White Wind Dorm! ”

We are welcomed with enthusiasm. Looking closely, many seniors are gathered at the entry hall of the spacious dorm.

” Thank you very much! ”

” T, t, t, thank you very much! ”

We give our thanks at the same time and do a quick bow. By the way, Zen is the latter. I am not nervous at all.

……I am 25 years old after all.

Then, from the crowd, a sharp-eyed Onii-chan steps out. Oh, he is the one who brings all of us to our class….

” I see, you are the ‘Door Duty Officer’ this time round! ”

He speaks when I am stuck reminiscing about the time I first meet him. Still as forcefully and energetically as ever. This school sure has a lot of hot-blooded types… It seems he is talking to me instead of Zen.

” Door Duty officer…? ”

” …..Hm? Eh? You didn’t know? ”

When I return with a question, I am approached at a great speed that I instinctively take a step back. People are laughing, saying something like ” Don’t go scaring small kids like that, Kiro. “. I see, this hot-blooded young man is called Kiro. Rather than that, I think I hear something rude being said about me being small. I want to think it’s my imagination. Let’s do that.

Pulling myself out of the depressing thoughts, Kiro nods at me.

” …..Eh? Is that so? Then why did you opened the door? ”

At first he is observing but his curiosity gradually wins and he asks happily.

” Will skipped grades! ”

Zen, standing beside me, still very nervous, answers even he does not need to. Instantly, all eyes are on me.


I let out a sigh internally and speak up.

” I had a little practice in magic circles. ”

With that, everyone comes to an understanding. Kiro then shouts ” Is everyone present? ” and the dorm’s welcome party starts.

….Eh? Where is Mi Sociunnov?

Right when you step into the dormitory, it looks just like a hotel lobby. The room of the Dormitory manager is facing the entrance as well. The dining hall seems to be right inside. Sofa, chairs, tables are placed in there for everyone to enjoy a light meal.

Today, it will be where everyone staying in the dorm are gathering. Contrary to expectation, the dormitory is not separated into males and females. The top floor belongs to the girls while the lower floor is where guys stay.

” Then, let me start by introducing myself! ”

By Kiro’s words, everyone cheers.

” I am Kiro, obviously a 3rd year! The leader of the white team as well as the dormitory leader. Come find me if you have any trouble. Attribute’s earth. Ah, by the way, I am still single. That’s all! ”

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