Chapter 133 - Beryl's Street (Ivan's POV - Second Half)

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After knowing their schedules and groups, all the novice knights took the extra time and care to go over the area where they were going to patrol on that day.

All this enthusiasm stemed from how this was their first big mission that was tasked to them. Although this mission won't let them shot to fame overnight, they were all youngsters who had a strong sense of justice which resulted in them becoming a knight.

They were not taking this lightly and instead, viewed it as a way to offered their help to the citizens. Ivan too, was fully into it as well.

Although he used to be such a thug-like soldier in Hattuo, the reason he became one was due to his childhood dream of being a help to others. Overwhelmed by the sense of helplessness and despair when he realized the true face of what a soldier meant in Hattuo made him spiraled into the wrong path.

Anyone would grow if given the chance to start over. Thanks to having this regret in his heart and knowing how helpless he once was, Ivan had the strength to give it his all right now. That was because he knew how easily it was to fall since he experienced it before.

Anyway, in simpler words, Ivan had been stalk.... patrolling the Icris street where the food cart would be at, everyday after his training. Let the matter where he was almost brought in for questioning by his sempais be kept a secret.

Because, in the dimly lit evening, wasn't it very suspicious for a man to simply be walking to and fro along the street everyday? It was really not because his actions looked creepy or his looks was so astonishingly villainous. Ivan thought, persuading himself strongly.

He had a thought about why was he singled out when the rest of the novice knights were doing the same thing but the answer came almost immediately.

Yes, it's the difference in age.

Ivan was a lot older than the rest of the novice knights. Imagine a youth hanging at the street as compared to a middle-aged man. If one were to ask if who would looked suspicious, everyone would mostly likely point towards the latter. Yep, that's it.

And so, the day before the festival arrived. Carts were already lined up along the Icris street. People were coming and going. Among them, there were many who were merchants but the beastmen numbered quite many too. Ivan used to look down upon them before but not now. Because he came to know that what Hattuo had taught them were all bullshit.

Why, in the first place, was beastmen being looked as being inferior when they could traveled through the [Demon Forest] by themselves while pulling their goods along?

Even he marveled at how ignorance could turned him into an idiot. Nothing in the world sure is more dangerous than ignorance. It was almost a crime.

The citizen in Hattuo can't even compared as they can't calculate, nor use magic, nor had strength worthy of a beastmen. What made them think they were superior?

Once Ivan went out and saw the world, he knew it was simply them being jealous. Earlier, he told Will-Sama about what he thought and Will-Sama had smiled wryly as he told him things. That how everyone had this kind of thinking and that was why education was so important. And when Ivan asked Will-Sama what did he meant by that, he said that humans were beings that felt happy when they placed others below them.

If it was the old Ivan, he would not understand it meant but now, he knew. It was like the case where slums were placed as so to let the normal citizens feel fear from revolting against the authorities while keeping them satisfied that they were slightly on the higher level.

Hattuo was a place where it was bitterly cold during winter that no crops could grow, came with high taxes, and where the nobles who did nothing acted all high and mighty. In a word, the worst place to lived in. But still they did not think they were at the bottom rung as that was where the beastmen were.

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